May 21, 2003

Old-fashioned horse power

Butch Rupert of LeRoy uses a walk behind plow to turn up the soil as his draft horses make their way down the furrow.

Annual Plow Day held at Spangler Farm in Grawn

Cal Spangler turns over fresh sod with his Belgian draft horses Tim and Jim Sunday at the 14th Annual Plow Day at the Cal and Willo Spangler Farm in Grawn. The event featured horse and mule teams plowing, discing and dragging in a demonstration of old-fashioned farming.

Amanda Otte of Newaygo rides her plow equipment pulled by Percheron draft horses Ashley and Spike.

Spectators get a chance to get up close and pet a pair of draft horses taking a break from their toils in the field.

A trio of youngsters watch draft horses and mules work up a field on the Cal and Willo Spangler farm in Grawn.