May 14, 2003

All that jazz at CHS

Central High presents annual Rendezvous at the Jazz Club

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      The auditorium at Traverse City Central High School will swing this weekend as students in the school's choral program present the sixth annual Rendezvous at the Jazz Club.
      Showcasing a variety of musical styles - from rock and jazz to pop and blues - the program features 60 student acts. In fact, the only rule for the show is no choral numbers, please.
      The show will include performances of the Choral-Aires, Bel Cantos, Men of Note, Vocal Majority, the Chorale and the Concert Choir. Each group will perform two new numbers learned just for Rendezvous. In addition, students have put together duets and solo numbers that feature a favorite style, genre or musician. These numbers, which range from Fiona Apple to Mac the Knife, allow students to stretch their musical and performing muscles.
      "It kind of gives you a chance to apply what you've learned all year and take it and run with it," said Mary Moncel, a 12th grade choral student performing in her third Rendezvous.
      Choral students usually make it a point of honor to try something harder each year. Elyse Kamps, also a 12th grade student, performed a 50s tune solo three years ago. As a junior, she jumped to a new style by singing "God Bless the USA." This year, she again breaks new ground at the Rendezvous by performing a rousing Chuck Berry number.
      "In the summer, you're already thinking about what you want to do," said Kamps, who will head to Western Michigan University in the fall to study music education. "We work on our pieces for about a month, this week we're on stage with the band."
      "It is kind of cool to be the diva with all your back up musicians," she noted.
      The jazz band backing up the singers includes drums, bass guitar and guitar plus a horn section. Choral director Jeff Cobb will choreograph the show from behind his piano keyboard, contributing his own musical talents as well.
      Cobb enjoys watching the show unfold every year, seeing his students perform in a different venue from a musical or choral concert. Despite the many distractions students face with their busy schedules and seniors approaching graduation, they stay focused on creating a knock-out Rendezvous.
      "The kids bring in new talent, new acts, new songs and new material every year," Cobb said.
      Students began working on the show just after their spring concert nearly a month ago. Prospective acts auditioned for the choir council and those chosen quickly began polishing their song, choosing costumes and refining presentation.
      Sometimes the most difficult part is getting members of the same act to concur on which sparkly costume of what style to wear.
      "You'd think choosing would be easy, but it is hard to agree on it," said Moncel, who plans to pursue a professional singing career in Portland, Ore., after graduation. "A lot of it is about your presence on stage, too. You can't just stand there and sing,"
      The Rendezvous at the Jazz Club will be held in the Central High School auditorium. The show will run this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and are available from Central High School Choral students or at the high school box office, phone 933-3573.