March 26, 2003

Herald news .... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

      - Dr. C. J. Kneeland says that never in the history of northern Michigan was here a prospect for a better fruit year than at present. The conditions have been perfect during the past winter for a big fruit yield of peaches, cherries and plums owing to the temperatures having been below zero just twice. So far as can be seen, none of the fruit buds have been injured.
      - Ernest Zimmerscheid, a freshman at the University of Michigan, was drowned Saturday afternoon on the Huron River while canoe racing with his brother, Karl. There is said to be some probability that canoeing by students will be prohibited at the university as a result.
      - John W. Scott will leave in a few days for Washington to make that state his future home. Last evening he was delightfully surprised by many of his good Traverse City friends at the home of the Misses Theis on South Division Street. The evening was happily spent in social pleasures, music being furnished by Prof. W. H. Steffens.
      - At the meeting of the board of trustees of the Northern Michigan Asylum last week, the following resolution was adopted: "No visitors, other than near relatives of patients, will be allowed on the asylum grounds on Sundays." The action was taken due to the throngs of visitors, especially during the summer, who have gathered in the buildings and on the grounds causing an excitement and confusion detrimental to the patients.
      - Plans are all completed for the new Traverse City State Bank building to be erected this year on the northwest corner of Front and Union Streets. The old tin shop has been removed and the necessary excavating will be done shortly. The plans call for one of the handsomest bank and office buildings in the state with no expense being spared to make it a model structure. The first floor will be occupied by the banking room and vaults, the office of Hon. Perry Hannah and his private secretary, Mr. C. G. Sherwood.
      - John Shaw, agent for the Lewis estate, made the following land sales Saturday at Slight: 80 acres to Daniel Harkens, 40 acres to Wells Donner, 40 acres to John Conroy. All the acreages are of fine soil for tilling and other uses and should be profitable to their respective new owners.
      - An unusually large crowd attended the masquerade ball at Interlochen given by the Modern Woodmen last Fridy night. There were 90 numbers sold which means a good many for the size of the ball. All report a good time, owing to the large crowd.
      - Washouts on the railroads are causing considerable difficulty in this area. The M. & N. E. train to Provemont this morning could only get as far as Cedar City and was obliged to return to the station. Just beyond Grelickville, a farmer flagged the train to alert the crew to a washout at that place.
      - Frank Matchet, the young son of Supervisor Matchet of Mayfield, was struck on the head by a falling tree Thursday afternoon last and probably fatally injured. The details have not yet been given to this office, however, it was reported by Dr. Fenton, of Kingsley, that he does not think he can possibly survive. The victim is a very popular young man and was the mainstay of his father.
      - Thieves broke into Will Akers' cigar factory at 129 West Front Street last night and secured a large quantity of cigars that had just been made up. The cigars were not yet packed in boxes and of course, were without the government stamp. The loss will be between $20 and $25 dollars. There is no clue to the robbers' identities.
      - The church bell which was to be ringing in the Methodist church at Mapleton some time ago, has not yet been heard. When the spring mud dries, a crew will come together in the next couple of weeks to work on its installation
      - Advice on deportment Training children in politeness properly belongs to the period of childhood when the mind is easily impressed.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. Peach leaves, steeped and drank as tea, will carry off worms.
      - Best buy of the week. Lined Robes Sale, just $5.00 at John T. Beadle.