January 29, 2003

Birthday bash celebrates veteran volunteer

99-year-old woman volunteers at Traverse City Convention and Tourism Bureau

Herald staff writer

      Doris Brackett and her family had 99 good reasons to celebrate last week. Brackett who turned 99 on January 20 was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party at her "home away from home" the Traverse City Convention and Tourism Bureau where she has volunteered for the past 12 years.
      Brackett, who was born in Wayne, Mich. and moved to Traverse City in the 30s, says volunteering and keeping active are the keys to staying young at heart.
      "I keep active because I like to, it makes me feel good," Brackett said.
      "That and a grapefruit for breakfast every morning," noted granddaughter Peggy Ellibee who arranged for the party and a special gift - a "Special Tribute" from Governor Granholm, recognizing Brackett's years of community involvement.
      "Sometimes she is hard to keep up with, she doesn't shuffle her feet, that's for sure," said soon to be granddaughter, Kirsten Keilitz.
      Among those celebrating Brackett's milestone was Joan McGuffin, administrative assistant for the Convention and Tourism Bureau.
      "We adore her here, she is one of the sharpest minds I've ever encountered. We really feel blessed to have Doris working with us," McGuffin said.
      While volunteering is high on Brackett's list of priorities, her family - including one daughter, four grandchildren, six great grandchildren, one great great grandchild and 10 great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren from a second family - and the Red Wings are at the top.
      "I love the Red Wings. I try not to miss any games. I just listened to one on the radio last night. I knew I should go to sleep but I had to listen to the game," Brackett said.