February 26, 2003

Rock concert promotes homelessness awareness

S.O.S. Music Fest Friday sponsored by Third Level Street Outreach Services

Herald staff writer

      With more than 175 teens in attendance at the S.O.S. Music Fest last Friday, sponsor Street Outreach Services of the Third Level Crisis Center had they audience they were looking for. Their purpose was to raise awareness of youth homelessness in northern Michigan.
      According to a 2002 study conducted by the Homeless Youth Initiative, 190 homeless youth between the ages of 10 and 21 lived in Grand Traverse and Leelanau counties during the point-in-time study.
      "They live in shelters, with groups of teens, motels, campgrounds, cars and couch surf," said street outreach worker, Niki Dunwiddie-Kiss of the Third Level Crisis Center.
      "We were really pleased with the turnout for the concert. I hope it helped get the information across," Dunwiddie-Kiss said.
      The concert, held at the Knights of Columbus hall in Traverse City, featured local bands - Unhinged, The Souldiers and Indulge. Instead of charging an admission, teens were asked to donate a toiletry item to be used in survival kits handed out to teens in need by Third Level.
      "We got a lot of stuff for the survival kits. I'm just glad to see so many kids here, off the street, having fun, being safe - and the bands are great," said peer outreach worker Justin Flowers, a senior at Traverse City Central High School.
      The kits, made up of a back pack filled with coupons for food and clothing as well as toiletries like shampoo and deodorant, are always in demand.
      "We got enough goods to make up quite a few kits. The night was awesome, I hope we can have another one in the near future," Dunwiddie-Kiss said.