August 13, 2003

Crash ... Bang ... Boom

Herald photos by Garret Leiva
Taking the bull by the horns, this driver prepares to line up his next victim at Saturday’s demolition derby at the Northwestern Michigan Fair in Traverse City. This year’s fair featured two nights of hard-hitting demolition derby action performed before a packed grandstand audience.

Demolition derbies roar into Northwestern Michigan Fair

Dave Reinke of Traverse City uses a torch to cut open the hood of Mike Tokie’s demolition derby car in order to fix a broken motor mount. Drivers and their pit crew of friends and family work against the clock in between rounds to resurrect these rolling wrecks.

Demolition derby starter Dan Dohm carefully monitors the action as his pink T-shirt and green starter flag pick up a new layer of mud. Dohm has been the official starter at the Northwestern Michigan Fair demolition derby for more than a decade.

Rhyan Glezman of Traverse City and Dawn Ritchey of Interlochen exchange a few friendly words after swapping paint as they wait for cars to be cleared from the demolition derby arena.

A bumper rests outside the demolition derby arena as a front end loader picks up a disabled station wagon.

This driver demonstrates two essentials for a successful demolition derby: your ability to drive in reverse and take out tires on other cars.