April 30, 2003

Forton earns teacher award

Central High teacher receives national Radio Shack award

Herald staff writer

      A commitment to academic excellence in mathematics, science or technology - that was what earned Keith Forton of Traverse City Central High School the Radio Shack 2003 National Teacher Award.
      Forton, who teaches physics, measurement and instrumentation and introduction to scientific research at Central, is one of four Michigan high school educators who received the award. The recipients were recognized at the National Science Teacher Association convention in Philadelphia last month.
      "I was truly honored and very surprised," said Forton who has been an educator for 16 years.
      "This award reflects the effort of everybody at Central High School. Not a day goes by that I don't draw help or an opinion from one of my peers," Forton said.
      Forton's effort did not go unnoticed by Central's principal Dick Townsend who nominated him for the honor. Once the nomination was received by Radio Shack, Forton had to complete a lengthy application process including three written essays.
      Forton earned his bachelor of science in biology/chemistry in 1980 from Murray State University in Kentucky and a master of science from the Department of Veterinary Science with a specialty in electron microscope in 1984 from the University of Wisconsin.
      He is a member of the National Science Teachers Association, Michigan Science Teachers Association, American Association of Physics Teachers and the Michigan Computer Users in Learning Association and is a past president of the Michigan section of the American Association of Physics Teachers.
      Radio Shack gave 110 awards to teachers from across the nation to reward their commitment to improving math, science and technology education in their local communities.