June 19, 2002

Civic Center goes to the dogs

Grand Traverse Kennel Club holds 48th annual All-Breed Dog Show

Herald photos by Garret Leiva
Mildred Bartlett uses hairspray to groom Cosby, a standard poodle, before breed competition Saturday at the Grand Traverse Kennel Club dog show at the Grand Traverse Civic Center. Bartlett says she spends nearly four hours preparing the poodle for competition.

Pomeranians compete for the judge’s eye during the 48th annual Grand Traverse Kennel Club All-Breed Dog Show and Obedience Trial.

Working breeds, including this group of Boxers, were judged in their element — outdoors.

To the winners go the spoils, as canines and their owners have their photo taken after breed competitions at the Grand Traverse Kennel Club dog show.

Above: Despite all the excitement of several simultaneous rings of competition, not everyone was a captivated audience member.

Below: Cheri Stager of Smith Creek, Mich. vacuums up loose hairs on Murphy, a 10 1/2 year old golden retriever. All the grooming paid off as Murphy won his breed class in veteran competition.

Jamie, a 3 1/2 year old golden retriever yawns during his first obedience trial. The dog, owned by Don Harrison of Lake Orion, also competes in agility competition where he holds several titles.