June 5, 2002

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - The June term of the circuit court for Grand Traverse county will convene next Monday with Judge Mayne on the bench. The calendar contains two criminal cases, eleven civil actions and twelve chancery matters, of which ten are divorce suits, two of the latter being contested.
      - A fierce fire raged Thursday in the swamp west of the city and had gained considerable headway towards the big sawdust pile nearby. A force of men were dispatched and their hard work prevented serious damage.
      - A deal has been worked very quietly and closed by which eight local people become owners of a very valuable piece of property on the shores of Bass and Rennie Lakes. The parties who have made the purchases are: A. H. Perry. P. P. Carver, Fred D. Curtis, William Murrel, E. L. Ashton, Jack Perry, Charles O. Carver and Theron Morgan.
      - The Ogdensburg Ladies' Aid met at the church Wednesday last and served dinner to the men who have been working on the wall. It is expected that the work will be completed within the next week and ready for the twice weekly worship services as well as other functions.
      - Nine cars of Metropolitan brick have arrived by the way of the M. & N. E. railroad. Superintendent John H. Blomshield and Contractor Prange are here from Grand Rapids and work will begin as soon as possible. The first lot of brick is being piled along Front Street near Park Street, where it is probable the work will be started.
      - Fire was discovered last evening in the roof of the Beadle block and when the tin roofing was removed, the woodwork burst into flames. The fire department extinguished the blaze with hand chemicals. Little damage was done to the structure.
      - F. A. Scharman was in the city today to correct a report that two of his children had disappeared and no trace had been found of them. The children had indeed gone to Hodge on a Friday a couple of weeks ago and were not expected to return that night. On Sunday, they went to a neighbor's, perhaps thoughtlessly, and had not reached home which prompted their father to go looking for them.
      - There will be a number of children from Mapleton who will take part in the exercises for Children's Day at Ogdensburg, June 8. All are invited as there is expected to be a nice program.
      - The Olivet College scholarship, established in the high school in recognition of superior work, has been awarded this year to Louis Birdsall. Mr. Birdsall expects to enter that school next September. Congratulations are extended to the young man upon winning the prize and to the college upon securing so excellent a representative from the Traverse City high school.
      - Rev. Fr. Bauer, of St. Francis church, performed the ceremony Tuesday that united in marriage Mr. Clarence V. Slater and Miss Mabel Ingram. After the ceremony, they drove at once to their new home on West Ninth Street which was all furnished and prepared for them and where they will be at home to their friends. The couple are well known and popular and their many friends will unite in hearty congratulations and good wishes.
      - Advice on deportment. Even in the house of mourning, birthdays should be observed for children since they should not be forced to share in a grief which they cannot understand.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat gout in the foot or hand, apply a raw, lean beef steak. Change it once in twelve hours till cured.
      - Best buy of the week. Dimity dress goods on sale for 5 cents a yard at The Boston Store.