January 9, 2002

West orchestra scores invitation to eminent event

West High musicians perform at Midwestern Music Conference

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Another feather in the cap of the music program at Traverse City West High School: the school's orchestra will be playing in the 2002 Midwestern Music Conference later this month in Ann Arbor.
      After sending in an audition tape last spring, the orchestra was chosen as one of only ten groups to perform at this annual gathering the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association. West High School was chosen from among 28 other schools who applied.
      "It is really an honor to be selected for this performance," Sivits said. "What I think is kind of neat is that three of the ten chosen are from northern Michigan, including Kingsley High School Symphony Band and the Manistee High School Symphonic Band."
      After sifting through many pieces, evaluating what would be appropriate for her students, Sivits selected the program in early October. Since then, students have been rehearsing weekly in the evenings; this month their schedule jumped to twice weekly rehearsals.
      Viola player Laura Mittendorf said that everyone in the orchestra is very excited about the upcoming trip in Ann Arbor. Besides their performance, students will stay an extra night in Ann Arbor. The next day they will attend a concert by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the University of Michigan College Concert, where they will hear performances by the university orchestra, choirs, jazz band, symphonic band and small ensembles.
      "It is really exciting, we've never done anything like this before," said Mittendorf, who has been playing the viola for six years. "My stand partner at camp this year was telling me how great the Detroit Symphony Orchestra is and I am really excited to see them."
      Orchestra members have diligently worked through each piece with Sivits, going measure by measure to make sure that every note is perfect. Giving a performance before a group of music teaching professionals from around the Midwest has been a motivation for everyone to excel.
      "The people who are going to be attending know music, we will be playing for my peers and colleagues," Sivits said. "You just have to have all your Is dotted and your Ts crossed."
      Sivits is getting an assist in the concert preparations from Flournoy Humphries, the West Junior High band director, and Pat Brumbaugh, the West High School band director. In addition, Brumbaugh will conduct one of the pieces during the performance in Ann Arbor and both teachers will help fill out the orchestra's instrumentation.
      "It has been so helpful to have them with us," Sivits said.
      Mittendorf said that while all pieces are challenging, one in particular has taken extra time to get everyone up to speed.
      "Our most challenging piece is 'Night on Bald Mountain' and for a long time that was our first priority," she added. "I've kind of lucked out because I've played it before."
      In addition to "Night on Bald Mountain," the orchestra will play four other pieces during their program: "Also Sprach Zarathustra," "Simple Symphony," "Procession of the Sardar" and "Concerto Grosso for String Orchestra and Piano."
      The West High School Symphony Orchestra will preview their performance for the 2002 Midwestern Music Conference at the Corson Auditorium on Monday, January 14, at 7:30 p.m.
      Sivits said that this dress rehearsal performance is very important to everyone and will help to soothe nerves and get students used to playing in a large auditorium.
      "This concert is our dry run," she said. "It also gives parents who are not going a chance to hear their kids play."