January 2, 2002

Smith supports Olympic Flame

Chapin Smith accompanies torch run through Michigan

Herald staff writer
      Chapin Smith won't soon forget the day last August when a letter arrived from the Salt Lake Olympic Committee informing him that he had been chosen as a support runner to accompany the Olympic Flame when it passes through Michigan this week.
      Smith, a senior at Traverse City West Senior High, was chosen for the honor when his friend, Joel Halprin, wrote an essay nominating him.
      "It was a total surprise, I didn't know that Joel had done this," Smith said. "It was great because Joel was here when the letter came."
      More than 210,000 short essays of 50 to 100 words were submitted to Olympic sponsors Coca-Cola and Chevrolet last spring depicting how the nominee was living the Olympic theme - "Light the Fire Within."
      The essays were reviewed by 96 local task forces who eventually picked 11,500 torch bearers and 4,300 support runners -Smith included.
      As a support runner, Smith will serve as a "guardian of the flame" and accompany the torch bearer along the Olympic Torch Relay route. He will run up to two miles as the torch passes through the Flint area on Sunday.
      Smith has been preparing for the day by running with a friend. "I want to be ready, there is a slight possibility that I may be able to carry the torch for a short distance and that would be really great," Smith said.
      Though he is not counting on carrying the torch, Smith is looking forward to wearing the running suit he received from the Olympic Committee. The light blue running suit, hat and gloves all display the Olympic rings.
      "We're really proud of him, this is a great honor," said Lana Smith, Chapin's mother. "He is involved in a lot of things and does a wonderful job."
      Smith, an honor student, assists with children's tennis lessons at the YMCA and participates in church activities. As a three year member of the varsity tennis team, Smith will be captain this spring. He is also an accomplished juggler who performed at the "Tribute to World Wide Friends" during the Rotary Club Life Leadership Conference.
      But for now, Smith has just one thing on his mind - the Olympic Torch Relay.
      "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I'm really excited about it. I want to enjoy every minute of it," Smith said.