Klondike Derby offers challenges for Scouts

     Proving themselves up to the challenge, area Boy Scouts lashed ropes, performed first aid, and attempted to throw a snake 140 yards at the 2002 Klondike Derby.

     More than 200 Scouts from patrols in the South District of the Scenic Trails Council took part in the Klondike Derby held Saturday at Twin Lakes Camp in Traverse City. This year’s “Winter Snow Challenge” theme had Scouts dashing through the snow to eight stations that tested scouting skills and teamwork.

     Scoring was conducted at all stations, except snowshoes and sledding, with ten points maximum for patrol performance. Patrols could also earn an addition points for spirit and teamwork. Awards were presented to the top three patrols who earned the most points. The top three spirit patrols and sled race winners also received awards.

     This year’s Klondike Derby patrol winners include:

     ä Top three patrols: Gators (first); Wolverines (second); Frogs (third) all from Troop 27 of Traverse City

     ä Top three spirit patrols: Frogs/Troop 27 of Traverse City (first); Nemesis/Troop 37 of Grawn (second); Wolverines/ Troop 27 of Traverse City (third)

     ä Sled race winners: Cows/ Troop 34 of Traverse City (first); Soaring Eagles/Troop 20 of Interlochen (second); Wolverines/Troop 88 of Hannah (third); Falcons/Troop 35 of Traverse City

     A new award category this year was the top snow snake patrols based on design and competition. Snow snake is a traditional Native American winter sport where a snake-shaped piece of wood is thrown along a long, narrow bank of snow. Generally, there are two types of snakes; the short snakes are called Mudcats and are approximately three feet long, while the Longsnakes are seven feet in length. Scouts from each patrol took turns throwing their snow snake down the 140 yard track.

     Taking the snow snake distance category was the Timber Owls from Troop 267 of Honor with a toss of 105 yards. The top snow snake designs went to: Wolverines/Troop 20 of Interlochen (first); Wolverines/Troop 27 of Traverse City (second); Hogwart Hero/Webelos Pack 30 of Traverse City.

Herald photos by Garret Leiva
Glancing over at their competition, patrol members sprint to the finish line during a Klondike sled race Saturday afternoon at the 2002 Klondike Derby at Twin Lakes Camp in Traverse City. More than 200 Boy Scouts attended the Klondike Derby which brought together patrols from the South District of the Scenic Trails Council.

Working together as a team, members of the Dragon Patrol from Troop 30 of Traverse City prepare to lift a pail containing candy using only sticks lashed together with ropes.

Proving where there is smoke, there is fire, a Scout provides some air assistance during the fire building competition. As part of the fire building test, Scouts also had to boil water and make a “perfect” cup of hot chocolate for the station judges.

Flying down the hill under self-created whiteout conditions, these Scouts make the most of the sledding station at the “Winter Snow Challenge” Klondike Derby.

Above: Scouts watch a snow snake competitor throw his hand-carved wooden snake down the icy track of a 140 yard long snow bank.

Left: Scouts use a compass to find their way through an orienteering course. At each skill station, patrols could earn points for performance and also for teamwork and spirit.