December 18, 2002

CHS senate shows rock solid community spirit

Central student senate community service events include sock drive, candy cane sales
Herald staff writer

      Traverse City Central High School's student senate took the idea of Community Service Month - November 19 through December 13 - seriously. The Christmas party they threw for the pre-schoolers at Central's day care center Monday, topped off a month of good deeds with a visit from Santa.
      "The kids have been very busy over the last month. They had something going all the time. They have done a great job," said Peg Townsend, student senate adviser.
      "They have been able to take part in some projects that will make a difference in our community," Townsend noted.
      Some of the initiatives the students have been involved in include:
      - Sock drive for area kids
      - Canned food drive
      - Toys For Tots
      - Festival of Trees
      - Breadlift sponsored by the March of Dimes - students sold loaves of bread to be used for Thanksgiving stuffing
      - Father Fred
      - Candy cane sale to benefit DeVos Children's Hospital
      - Blood drive
      - Provide a Thanksgiving dinner for two families
      - Adopted two students for Christmas through the STEP program which offers help to area homeless students
      - Adopt a Grandparent Program
      The student body was not forgotten by the senate. In an effort to promote school spirit and team work, the senate decided to add a "spirit rock" to the school's campus.
      "A lot of colleges have them, it's just a way to bring the school together," said senior Betsy Powell who contacted Traverse Outdoors about donating the boulder.
      "Different clubs and teams, even groups from school musicals can paint something on it. It is open to anyone," said senior Zac Lemieux.
      "I hope when we come back in 10 or 20 years we will see that it has gotten even bigger with all the layers of paint on it," he noted.