December 11, 2002

Children optimistic about Christmas shopping for families

Optimist Club donates holiday funds for select Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club participants
By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

      Candles, SpongeBob Square Pants, a Lego Bionicle, a set of screwdrivers.
      With a little help from her new friend from the Optimist Club, Darlyn, 11, was able to pick up these and a variety of other gifts Saturday morning at Target. Darlyn and her helper, volunteer Mark Koval, shopped throughout the store. The pair efficiently spent the budgeted $70, donated by the Optimist Club, crossing everyone off her list.
      "I am shopping for my cousin, brother, mom, grandma and grandpa, uncle, dad and stepmom," said the sixth-grade student at Blair Elementary School. "I shopped for my Big Sister, too."
      Darlyn was one of 50 youths from low-income families who received a holiday shopping trip this weekend courtesy of the Optimist Club. The shopping expeditions took place Saturday and Sunday mornings at Target with each child receiving $70 to spend on family or friends.
      The lists were as varied as the participants, as family members needs and wishes spanned the spectrum from the practical to the playful. Armed with the list and helpers, most participants on Saturday cruised through the store in record time, filling their basket with gifts they might not otherwise be able to buy.
      "I'm shopping for my whole family: dolls, diapers, clothes and a basketball for my brothers," said Kayla, 9, of her many purchases. "I also picked out cologne for my brothers and dad."
      Each child was matched for the morning with an Optimist Club volunteer, who helped them shop, wrap and label their gifts. A breakfast before the spree and a visit from Santa after - who handed out a take-home gift for each shopper - rounded out the morning.
      "Target is very generous, they donate the breakfast and gift to the kids and a couple of employees volunteer their time for the morning," said Kelly Odean, a board member of the Optimist Club and the coordinator of the shopping event for the past three years.
      This is the tenth year the Optimist Club has sponsored the shopping spree. The Boys and Girls Club and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organizations selected the participants from families with either the biggest needs or who do not put their names on other lists for holiday assistance. Participants from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters shopped on Saturday and those from the Boys and Girls Club shopped on Sunday.
      The program gives the children a chance to be generous and share the Christmas spirit with their family.
      "It just really makes you stop and remember what the magic is - to give," said Laura Sutherin, an Optimist Club volunteer.
      As for the dozens of Optimist Club volunteers who give up a weekend morning to help, the rewards far outweigh the inconveniences.
      "This is one of our favorite events of the year, our members look forward to it," said Scott Duensing, past president of the Optimist Club. "The Optimist Club is all about helping youth in the area and it doesn't get any better than this, helping kids shop for their families."
      Volunteer Jeanette Voice, a senior at Traverse City Central High School, enjoyed cruising the aisles with her two new friends. Even struggling to help one of her shoppers wrap a basketball did not dampen her Christmas spirit.
      "It is fun to see the different lists," said Voice who was one of three Key Club members who came to help. "I got to go down the toy aisle, all my siblings are grown so I don't get to go there anymore."