August 14, 2002

School keeps teen on her toes

Wolff attends ballet school in Toronto

Herald staff writer
      It was apparent from Sarah Simon-Wolff's first dance classes at the age of five that ballet would be very important in her life. Wolff, now 14, will enter her second year of study at The National Ballet School in Toronto next month.
      After eight years of working with Sarah, Betsy Carr, owner and director of the Dance Arts Academy in Traverse City, suggested she audition for a spot in the National Ballet School's summer program.
      "This is dancing at an international level, it was such a thrill for us to have her there," Carr said.
      Sarah was chosen to participate in the summer program and was then invited to be one of 150 students from around the world in the school's year-round program.
      "It is a challenge having her so far away," said Sarah's mom, Carole Simon-Wolff. "I just felt that it was such a great opportunity - that was where she should be."
      Sarah agreed - on both points.
      "It wasn't easy to adjust to being at the school at first, but they keep you so busy you don't have time to be homesick," she said.
      "My favorite thing to do is perform on stage, but I love all the hard work too. I just love everything about it."
      Though she spends four or more hours a day dancing, Sarah says academics are never forgotten. Her ninth-grade studies will include the basics - math, geography, English, French and science along with courses in visual arts and music.
      "We also get to work with Miss Ganina from Russia. She teaches us dances from Europe and helps us to become more versatile as dancers. It's not just all about ballet," Sarah noted.
      Ballet does, however, play a large part in the future Sarah sees for herself.
      "I would like to graduate from ballet school and be accepted into a dance company. After I retire I would like to study architecture or interior design, but I always want to be involved in dance, either as a teacher or maybe having a studio of my own," she said.