April 24, 2002

Pastor Jerry Bauman provides 'rock solid' guidance

Local Bible Baptist Church celebrates 25 years of service by the same pastor

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Bucking the national average of three to five year stints at churches, Pastor Jerry Bauman of the Bible Baptist Church has become a trend of his own.
      Bauman and his wife, Char, put down roots in Traverse City 25 years ago and have not looked back since.
      Celebrating their years with Bauman, members of the congregation gathered Sunday afternoon to honor him with an open house and a program highlighting his tenure. They also surprised him by flying in his two grown sons and their families for the event.
      "We love Pastor and he's a wonderful man," said Sandy Jochumsen, a member of the congregation who helped organize the celebration. "He definitely believes in what he is doing."
      The main themes of appreciation were Bauman's consistent Bible-based messages and his unwavering commitment to the congregations' spiritual growth and development.
      "He is not flash, he has no screaming charisma, but he's absolutely rock solid and the most stable person I know," said Phil Hobson, a member of the congregation and childhood friend of Bauman. "Growing up in Decatur, Ill., he was the most serious, straight arrow human being I've ever met. He came from a great family and everybody always knew he was going to be a pastor."
      Bauman believes the Lord called him to stay in the area and he has been honored to do so. He has guided the church to a membership of more than 300 families, reflecting his commitment to steady but quality growth over the years.
      He and his wife also immersed themselves in the community at large, participating in their sons' schools, serving on numerous committees and making friends around the area.
      "There are very loving people here who are growing in their faith," said Bauman, who also has a master's degree in theology. "Our boys were ten and eight when we moved here and this was a nice community to rear a family."
      "It has been good to be a part of Traverse City community, we have a lot of good churches in this town and a lot of good pastors."
      Pastor Joel Brown has worked closely with Bauman for more than seven years. He noted that Bauman's patience, longevity, consistency and commitment to excellence inspire him as well as members of the congregation.
      "Pastor leads by example," said Brown, who is the church's pastor of Christian education and worship. "He does give the congregation some admonishment and correction but he also gives love and encouragement."
      Bauman graduated from the Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas in 1965. He had been a pastor for 12 years and was living in Wisconsin when he received a call from members of the Bible Baptist Church. Coincidentally, both Hobson and the Dallas Theological Seminary independently suggested Bauman's name to the church's search committee.
      A church member flew him to Traverse City for interviews, the results of which pleased both sides and the Baumans relocated with their two young sons. They stepped into a congregation that was struggling but on the verge of growth.
      Hobson said that Bauman's deep faith, organization skills and steady Christian leadership were just what the congregation needed at the time.
      "He came when we really needed the efforts of someone who could bring harmony to the congregation," he recalled.
      Bauman said that while it has been rewarding, staying as pastor for so long does have its challenges.
      "You have to try to stay fresh and you have to change the methodology, but not the message, in how you relate to people," Bauman said. "You have to have different ways of ministering to people, reaching out and helping them."