Central High celebrates fall homecoming

Pep assembly, music, games part of festivities

Herald photos by Garret Leiva

Members of the Traverse City Central High School Trojans football team make a dramatic entrance as they storm Thirlby Field Friday during the homecoming game against the Sault Ste. Marie Blue Devils.

Members of the Traverse City Central High School Trojan marching band keep in step during halftime ceremonies.

Seniors show school spirit as they get down with their 1970s retro ‘Stayin’ Alive’ theme homecoming float.

Junior and sophomore classes square off against each other in a tug-o-war battle during homecoming activity night last Wednesday on Thirlby Field. The sophomore team, not pictured, won this epic struggle.

Above: Showing their pride, members of the football team rally their teammates on the field. Right: Homecoming activity night featured a variety of games which pitted seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen against each other. Here, representatives from each class bob for golf balls face first in a pool of ice cream, water, milk, and sundae topping.

Juniors try to explain why their class is superior during a school pep assembly Friday. Unfortunately, such statements fell on deaf ears as members of the senior class gave each junior a whipped cream pie in the face.

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