Santa Claus makes merry visit to TC

Old St. Nick star attraction at holiday tree lighting ceremony
in downtown Traverse City

Herald photos by Garret Leiva
Some children took to higher ground in order to get a glimpse at Kriss Kringle as he arrives courtesy of an antique fire truck instead of eight tiny reindeer.

Children look up in awe at Santa Claus as the jolly old elf is handed a key to the city Sunday during the annual downtown festival celebrating the arrival of the holiday season.

Cast members of the “Christmas Spectacular” musical join the crowd gathered on Front Street Sunday in a community sing-along of holiday standards.

Ann, 8, and Dale Sterrett of Williamsburg work together on a Thanksgiving turkey ornament made out of a rubber glove, markers and construction paper at the City Opera House.

Above:Traverse Symphony Orchestra members (right to left) Tom Riccobono, trombone; George Bliss, trombone; Robert Hicks, trumpet; and Scott Sorenson, trumpet, play a selection of Christmas carols during a community sing-along.

Below: Santa Claus gives out hugs and handshakes as he works the crowd gathered for his arrival. Good little boys and girls also had a chance to make their case for Christmas gifts as they sat on Santa’s lap inside his holiday house at Front and Cass.