May 30, 2001

Bailey earns both diploma and degree

Central senior receives NMC college degree

Herald staff writer
      Kathleen Bailey has a big day coming soon. On June 9, she will be attending her graduation from Traverse City Central High School like the rest of her classmates. What sets her apart, however, is the fact that on May 5 she received an associates degree in science from Northwest Michigan College.
      "I didn't plan it this way," said Bailey, who started taking college classes in ninth-grade. "My mom wanted me to take some more challenging math classes, then I took some classes just for fun and I realized I had nearly all the classes I needed for an associates degree. I figured I might as well finish it off."
      By taking an average of two college classes per semester, she completed the 64 credits required for the associates degree this spring.
      "A lot of the classes I took at NMC counted toward my high school requirements, so it wasn't like I was taking a full load plus all the college classes, too," said Bailey, making light of her accomplishment.
      "Math classes were the easiest, there are rules and you just follow them. I also had some really great teachers," noted Bailey on her college experience.
      "She really is a guidance counselor's dream," said Don Freed from Central High School. "She knew what she wanted to do and just how to do it. She didn't need much help from me. She is an outstanding student."
      Bailey, a National Merit Scholar, will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall on a four-year academic scholarship. She won't, however, be starting as a freshman. She will be ranked as a sophomore or junior. In addition to the college courses that Bailey has completed at NMC, she also took several advanced placement classes at Central which count as college credits.
      Bailey plans to study languages at U of M, noting that they offer classes in 68 different languages. She also plans to make a trip to Italy this summer before heading off to Ann Arbor.
      "I really want to study Arabic, Spanish and Chinese, maybe some others, I'm not sure," Bailey said. "I don't really have any plans for after college yet, except I know that I would like to do a lot of traveling."