May 9, 2001

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - S. E. Wait, of the Pioneer Drug Store and Observer for the State Board of Health, submitted the following meteorological report for the week ending May 8, 1901: Highest temperature: 77; lowest temperature: 31. May 2 and 5 were "fair" days; May 3, 4, and 7 were "clear", May 6 was "smoky" and May 8 was "cloudy".
      - The filing case ordered by the city council for the clerk's office has been received and set up. It is a fine case, of solid oak and will add greatly to the convenience of the city clerk's office.
      - Mode Rich and George McLellan went across three counties after trout and their catch was represented by three figures. The number was 230 which is a handsome reward for their efforts.
      - The new suits for the Invincibles have arrived and are now at the Hamlton Clothing Co.'s store. They are very sharp suits of white with green trimmings.
      - John Hawthorne left Mayfield last week for the upper peninsula. He will work in that area during the summer and fall but plans to return to his home in Mayfield before winter sets in.
      - Will Akers has embarked in the cigar manufacturing business for himself in the upper part of the building occupied by Willie Lee's laundry. He expects to employ several workers and will begin at once to ready the rooms.
      - L. D. Hall is 78 years old and last week he plowed seven acres of land in two days, driving his own team. If any other old gentleman can beat that record, he would like to hear from him.
      - The ladies of the Woman's Cemetery Improvement Association have done much to beautify the cemetery and what they have accomplished has not been easy, due to the lack of water facilities. Steps are now being taken to connect the grounds with the water works which will enable them to do much more. Their recent request for plants and bulbs with which to embellish Oakwood has had a most generous response.
      - Cronin Bros. of Detroit have taken the lease where Struble's barber shop is located on Front Street and will fit it up as a first class modern billiard parlor. New fixtures are being made by the J. E. Greilick Co.
      - The rain which prevails this week has given the fruit buds a fine start and a few warm days will bring out the blossoms. The branches are filled with buds and there is every indication that if there is no setback by cold weather, this season will witness the largest fruit crop in years.
      - P. C. Gilbert and E. E. Widdifield have formed a new law partnership under the name of Gilbert & Widdifield. Their offices will be in the Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.'s block where Mr. Gilbert is now located.
      - Advice on deportment. Wedding cards should be of a fine quality, yet of heavy board, and engraved in script.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To prevent apoplexy, use the cold bath, and drink only water.
      - Best buy of the week. Iron beds, all styles and sizes. $2.75 and up at J. M. Slater's House Furnishing Store.