May 2, 2001

Principal goes back to school

Kaye Mentley becomes 'Student for a Day' at academy

Herald staff writer
      There was an extra face at the breakfast table of Barb and Todd Taylor last Friday morning. Kaye Mentley, principal of the Grand Traverse Academy, shared french toast and bacon with the Taylor family as part of her "Student for a Day" agenda.
      Cassidy Taylor, a third-grade student at Grand Traverse Academy, won the honor of being shadowed by Mentley, from breakfast at 7:30 a.m. to the carpool ride home. Taylor's name was picked out of a hat during a drawing held at school earlier in the month.
      "My mom put my name, and my sister Rachel's name, in the drawing," said Taylor. "I was really surprised and excited that I won."
      While Taylor looked forward to "Student for a Day," so did the new "kid" in class.
      "I learn something new every time I do this," said Mentley who has made this day an annual event during her career as a principal. "It really helps me see things from a kid's eyes. It is important to get a child's point of view, sometimes we can't do that unless we put ourselves in their place."
      Mentley, who spent the day measuring the perimeter of her hand with yarn, writing a story entitled "My Most Excellent Horse Ride" and eating the lunch packed for her by Mrs. Taylor, found that the kids work really hard. "The time really flies, I thought that maybe I would get bored, but I didn't." She also discovered that she really hates having to ask permission to go to the bathroom.
      "At the last school I was principal of, I found that the kids who had their supplies ready for the next subject first, had to sit quietly with their heads down, that certainly wouldn't make me want to get myself ready to go," said Mentley. "It's easier to see things like that if you put yourself in the student's place."
      While Taylor enjoyed studying the three R's with her principal, the fourth R- recess- was her favorite.
      "My favorite part of the day was when she went out for recess with us and played basketball," said Taylor. "It was a lot of fun spending the day with Mrs. Mentley. I would like to do it again sometime."