March 28, 2001

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - Chief of Police Rennie had the fire department lines out Monday afternoon flooding Front Street with the fire hose. It was a great success and a great amount of ice and slush were washed down the sewers. The mayor, the aldermen and the teamsters who use the streets are all very pleased with the effort and will offer a strong suggestion to make it a yearly spring exercise.
      - Louis Geiger of Kingsley killed two wildcats recently in the Mayfield swamp. Their scalps were brought to County Clerk Walter today for the bounty.
      - Charles Christopher, who lives at Mapleton, expects to work for P. F. Lardie this summer and live in the house of Mr. Lardie's that he bought of Joseph Buisson last fall. There will be much work for Mr. Christopher with all the spring chores and summer crops making long days from sun up to sun down.
      - Mr. Beaton, the farmer from Green Lake, came into the city with a load of beets Monday last. They were stored in his root cellar for the winter and had a fresh and firm appearance proving that such vegetables can withstand winter when in the proper storage.
      - A brief service was held over the remains of Mrs. Fred J. Moore yesterday after which the body was taken to Matteson, Michigan for burial. Mrs. Moore, formerly Edna M. Buckley, would have been twenty years old today. The deceased had many friends in the city.
      - Miss Browley, who up to a short time ago had been deprived of her speech for fifteen years, has been afflicted again. A few days ago, after a short time in the use of her vocal powers, she had a fainting spell which caused the inability to talk affect her again.
      - While returning from his farm Sunday afternoon, Ivan Dunn's sleigh was overturned and his shoulder was displaced. Dr. Anderson attended him and has reported that it will be some time before Mr. Dunn will be using the arm at that shoulder.
      - A small blaze occurred in the photograph gallery of W. A. Soper, corner of Front and Park Streets Monday night which brought out the fire department. The fire caught from the stove and burned a hole through the floor. A hand chemical was used to extinguish it in quick time. Damage was about $10.
      - Mrs. Smith and her son went around Saturday in the Mapleton area gathering chickens for Rev. Green's wife. The collection was generous and will provide the recipient with a good supply of meat and eggs.
      - The old soldiers are in the village at Fife Lake today, it being pension day. The boys have some interesting reunions talking over old times and inquiring about each other's welfare.
      - Will Johnson and Ben Johnson have made quite a record at the Johnson Brothers lumbering camp this winter. They took to the Dewey Stave Co. the largest tree hauled in, scaling in three logs 5087 feet.
      - Advice on deportment. No passenger has a right to occupy two seats with their personal property when traveling, unless there is an abundance of room.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat dull sight, drop in two or three drops of juice of rotten apples often.
      - Best buy of the week. Felt window shades, 15 cents at J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store.