March 21, 2001

tctv2 open house pulls in strong reception

Children create own videos at library event

Herald staff writer
      Traverse City was tuning in when local public access television station tctv2, along with the Traverse City District Library Youth Services Division, held an open house at the library this past Saturday.
      Children got to see first hand how videos are created, and even had the chance to star in one. Their performances were available for them to take home on a five minute video cassette tape. More than 50 videos were sent home with everything from reciting the ABC's, to reading a story, to putting together a puzzle as their topic.
      "We were very pleased with the outcome," said tctv2 coordinator Michael Kroes. "We brought a lot of people into the library for something fun."
      As part of that fun, tctv2 cameramen gave children the chance to look at professional camera equipment and provided demonstrations on how a video camera works.
      One of the highlights for the younger crowd was being able to see themselves on the television that was set up in the youth services division. A nearby camera captured a surprised look when two-and-a-half-year-old Jaime Boerema of Traverse City saw herself on the closed circuit set for the first time.
      Ten-year-old Alex Lance and nine-year-old Max Walker of Traverse City, were all business when they got in front of the camera with their version of the local news. They reported on everything from what's hot on the radio to their pick for the champion of the NCAA basketball tournament.
      "This was fun," said Walker, while his friend wholeheartedly agreed. They were eager to share their news show with their friends and family. Who knows, the career of the next national news anchor may have just been launched.