January 24, 2001

Students show artistic side

Central presents end of semester art show

Lisa Perkins
Herald staff writer
      Last week the walls of the Traverse City Central High School Library were the backdrop for a wide variety of creative art work, produced by a group of talented high school students.
      The end of the semester art show featured representative work from the art curriculum, created by art students in the fall 2000 classes. The variety of artwork on display included drawing, painting, ceramics, metal jewelry, sculpture and photography. Teachers Mary Sawyer and Karen Hoth were responsible for putting together the art show.
      One art student, Emily Koehler, a senior, knows how to make the best of a bad situation.
      Koehler, among the many student artists who had their works on display, was eager to talk about the item she had created and the process she used to achieve her final product.
      When Koehler, an advanced ceramics student, was pit firing the ceramic pot she eventually put on display, it broke into several pieces. She looked at the broken pot as an opportunity to come up with something unusual.
      "By gluing the pot together and weaving in raffia it turned out having a lot more character than it would have otherwise," Koehler said.
      Lindsey Sedlar, an eleventh- grade college prep art student, said her project had to take a stand against something. A hammer labeled "reality" sat next to the smashed screen of a television set, which had been covered with advertising messages about beauty, while a videotaped message played inside.
      "It's the coolest thing I've ever done," said Sedlar of her television turned multi-media piece which made a statement about a superficial society.