January 3, 2001

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - The people of Traverse City join the cordial welcome and a hearty new century greeting to Governor Bliss. One can approach the governor of Michigan now without being assailed with a tirade of profanity and obscenity. It is a blessed relief. Yes, the editor of this paper voted for Pingree and he has been trying for a year or two to get Heaven to pardon him, but with poor success.
      - L. G. Geiger was so seriously injured by a bull dog Friday that he may lose his right hand. The attack happened when Mr. Geiger was hunting with his younger brother and the savage dog came at him. Mr. Geiger was able to get his gun in his left hand and his brother pulled the trigger killing the dog.
      - The Wilhelm Bros. gave one of the pleasantest parties of the season to their employees and friends New Years evening. The guests came early and a long evening was spent in jolly games and social conversation after which an elaborate supper of six courses was served.
      - John Briggs, a lineman for the Michigan Telephone Co., received a serious injury yesterday when he fell from a pole. He struck the frozen ground from 30 feet high which sprained his ankle badly and tore the ligaments. He says his safety belt became unfastened and let him fall.
      - At the Boys' Band banquet last night, Toastmaster McNamara presented Joseph Rutner with a handsome leader's baton on behalf of the members of the organization. The baton is made of ebony and ivory and beautifully mounted in silver.
      - The Citizen's Telephone Co. has added a new switchboard to the three already in use making the total capacity of the boards 100. A Sterling cross connecting board has also been installed to furnish complete protection from lightning and electric wires that may cross with the telephone wires.
      - Miss Rhea Martin gave a very pretty party New Years evening for about 30 of her schoolmates between the hours of 6 and 9. A delightful time was enjoyed by all in games and other amusements. Fruit was served.
      - The first marriage license of the year was issued yesterday to James B. Beebe and Miss Ida J. Lash. The new county clerk, Robert Walter presented the license free of charge and will furnish a frame as well. The generosity was a campaign promise Mr. Walter made during the fall election.
      - Our correspondent at Acme reports that Alfred Hann was kicked by a horse and quite badly hurt last week. Dr. O. E. Chase was called and reports Mr. Hanna will need some time for a good recovery.
      - Yesterday afternoon, while at work skidding logs near Williamsburg, Chester Webster met with an accident which caused his death almost instantaneously. A log rolled upon him and his head was frightfully crushed. A physician was sent for at once, but when he arrived, life was extinct.
      - Four carloads of Pillsbury flour have been received this month by Hagadorn & Sommer. This indicates an increase of two-fold over the previous delivery.
      - Advice on deportment. Speak correct English. Use simple phrases, being careful that your pronunciation is the standard one.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat a cough, take from fifteen to twenty drops of elixir of vitriol, in a glass of water, thrice a day.
      - Best buy of the week. Dr. Chases' Recipe Book, $1.50 at Eagle Press Publishers.