December 19, 2001

Boys Scouts show giving holiday spirit

Two Scouts from Troop 229 donate new bikes to Father Fred

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      "Some kid is really going to like this bike."
      One kid that would really have liked it was Mitch Crandall, 12, and a member of Boy Scout Troop 229. But after earning the bike for free based on his sales of popcorn, which just topped $1,000 in sales, Crandall decided to donate the brand new mountain bike to the Father Fred Foundation.
      His generosity means some unknown young boy, somewhere in the area, will find one very big surprise under his Christmas tree this year. The thought of this smiling face somewhere kept him inspired during the five-week sale.
      "I just set a goal for $200 in sales every week," noted Crandall, a sixth-grade student at Cherry Knoll Elementary school. "Sometimes I didn't get it but I just worked harder the next week."
      Crandall's friend and fellow Boy Scout, Adam Jordan, 11, inspired him to make the donation. For the past four years running, Jordan has donated the bike he earns to the Father Fred Foundation, each time making a complete stranger the beneficiary of his annual popcorn sales blitz.
      This year, the two boys set up a friendly rivalry during the sale, which ran in November and December. They creating a whirlwind of popcorn sales that will keep all their friends, family and acquaintances popping for the year to come.
      Jordan, who topped $3,000 in sales this year and broke his previous year's record, never thought twice about donating yet another bike to the Father Fred Foundation. He, too, kept that goal in the front of his mind as he contacted past customers and mined for more; he sent out letters explaining his plan and received a very positive response.
      "You just do the best you can," Jordan said. "I've had one heck of a lot of friends help and their parents friends."
      Instead of feeling like they missed out, the two boys were already planning for next year and even greater sales. With one idea lingering in the back of their minds.
      "Next year we'll have to sell enough to earn two bikes and keep one for ourselves," Jordan said.
      The two boys presented their bikes, which were put together by staff at McLain Cycle and Fitness, to Mike Shockley of the Father Fred Foundation last Tuesday evening. Before the presentation, Shockley gave the assembled scouts information on the Father Fred Foundation's history and mission, drawing numerous inquiries about how the scouts could help.
      "Think about how lucky and how fortunate you are," Shockley told the scouts. "You will open lots of presents in the next few weeks, while some kids don't get any presents. They might be happy with a sandwich or one toy under their Christmas tree."
      Just passing their first anniversary, members of Troop 229 have already made their mark. In addition to a cumulative $10,000 in popcorn sales, the scouts also created art boxes for young residents of the Goodwill Inn and gathered donations of toys for Toys for Tots and the Father Fred Foundation.
      "All these kids really live by the Boy Scout motto: Respect, responsibility and resourcefulness," said Troop Leader George Kimball.
      The troop was formed because a dozen Cub Scouts had been in a troop together for a few years and wanted to stay together after they 'crossed over' to Boy Scouts. Their parents decided to form a new troop for them and, after some searching, found the East Bay Township Fire Department as a sponsor.
      They quickly found that putting Boy Scouts together with the Fire Department is a winning idea.
      "It is nice here because we have the resources of the fire department here, not just money but manpower and time," Kimball added. "There are five or six Eagle Scouts among the volunteers here."