December 12, 2001

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - Monday next, the Traverse City School of Music will cease to exist. The growth of the patronage of the school has been so great that it has become necessary to remove from the Beadle block, on account of annoyance to the other tenants caused by the practice of pupils at all hours of the day. Since no other rooms are available at present, the members of the faculty will carry on their work as individual instructors in their respective homes.
      - Mrs. M. E. C. Bates, president of the Grand Traverse Herald Sunshine Club, wishes to thank the Boys' Humane Society of Ninth Street for a most generous contribution of $15.68 for Christmas "Empty Stockings". At an enthusiastic and jolly meeting last night plans were made for the judicious distribution of the fund at Christmas .
      - A very pretty announcement has been issued stating that Ralph S. Hastings has entered the business of his father, E. W. Hastings. The firm has a flourishing real estate and insurance enterprise which will be enlarged by the new member, combined with the experience and good business methods of the senior member.
      - The pupils of Miss Marian Roberts, who has been compelled by ill health to resign her position in the Boardman Avenue School, honored her with a pleasant party Friday afternoon. The departing teacher was showered with many tokens of their love and esteem on this last day in the classroom.
      - Our correspondent at Long Lake reports that Henry Sachteben has his new house finished and Vet Barrows expects to have his house finished this week. Both men have worked feverishly to complete the houses so their families could be in comfortable places before the harsh winter sets in.
      - The smallpox situation at Interlochen has quieted down and it has been decided to leave the seven men afflicted with the disease in the present pest house, but there will be some decided changes. Hereafter the food for the inmates of the pest house will be cooked by two of the victims of the disease who have partially recovered and the physician attending them will no longer be armed which had been a caution he took for fear of personal violence.
      - In the early hours of Tuesday morning, while the night clerk of the Hotel Columbia was at work in the basement, a sneak thief entered the office and stole the clerk's coat and vest which were lying on the showcase. No clues have been offered about the identity of the thief.
      - The meeting of the Fraternal Mystic Circle on December 5 was a farewell gathering in honor of Mrs. H. I. Knapp who will be moving to Ottowa, Illinois this week to join her husband who has been there for some time. The evening was spent in a social way with delicious refreshments. Many deep regrets were expressed that Mrs. Knapp must depart the city.
      - Little Ferda Harsch, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harsch of Seventh Street, has suffered a very painful and serious injury. While at play, she fell and struck her left eye on an earthen jar, completely destroying the eye. The sight of the other eye will be impaired.
      - Another line of manual training has been taken up in the third grade of the Central School and is spreading to other grades. It was started by the pupils themselves and is in the form of pillow embroidery. Both the boys and girls have taken it up and are doing some very pretty work.
      - E. J. Peck shipped a carload of Christmas trees to Youngstown, Ohio last week over the M. & N. E. which he cut at Sullivan's Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Peck will leave Monday for Youngstown and Scranton, Pa., and will remain until after the holidays.
      - Advice on deportment. It is very ill-bred to exhibit any accomplishments for the sake of display, and beget ill-feeling among those whom you desire to dazzle.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat smallpox, drink largely of toast and water.
      - Best buy of the week. New Store, New Goods, $4.75 buys a Genuine Diamond Ring. Rastall, Hustler and Low Priced Jeweler.