August 1, 2001

Children visit Safety City

TCAPS class teaches students safety first

Herald staff writer
      A group of kindergarten and first-grade students - and their parents - will feel more secure on the first day of school next month. After participating in "Safety City" these kids know exactly what to do-and what not to do-when it comes to riding the school bus.
      As the culmination to a week long series of "Safety City" classes, the children took a bus ride from Eastern Elementary to Sabin Elementary and back again to practice what they had learned.
      "Safety City" teachers, Ann Gerhardt and Jane Boerema, accompanied the children as school bus driver Mr. Ole explained the rules. Among the lessons children learned were how to cross the street near a bus stop, why you must stay in your seat at all times, what behavior is acceptable on a school bus and what to do in case of an emergency.
      "This is a good thing for these kids, they will know what they have to do on the bus and then they can be safe," said Mr. Ole after demonstrating the safe way to exit the bus.
      School bus safety is only one of the things children learn about during the time they spend at "Safety City."
      "Bus safety is just a part of what we cover in Safety City," said Gerhardt, a second-grade teacher at Oak Park Elementary. "We also talk about safety in the home, including poisons, pet safety, water safety, seat belt usage and bicycle safety."
      Boerema, who teaches a multiage classroom at Eastern Elementary noted that guest speakers are an important aspect of Safety City. "We have someone from the fire department come in and speak along with the police department, we talk about a lot of important information."
      The classes, sponsored by Traverse City Area Public Schools, were available to any child entering kindergarten or first grade this fall. Two one-week sessions, each covering five topics, relating to safety in the home, school and community were offered.
      Sixty children in all, who attended the courses throughout the summer months, will know they are ready to meet the bus on the first day of school.