April 11, 2001

Silent Observer quietly fights crime

Tip line receives more than 150 calls

Herald staff writer
      Community involvement is alive and well in Grand Traverse County. Since the creation of the local Silent Observer program in 1998, the anonymous tip line has taken more than 150 calls relating to crimes within the county.
      Silent Observer is a highly successful grassroots program sponsored by the Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce, allowing anyone with information about a crime to call in details anonymously. If police make an arrest because of the information provided, a reward of up to $2,500 can be earned.
      A $600 reward, for information leading to an arrest in a breaking and entering case, was awarded during the April meeting of the Silent Observer board.
      "The information we received on this case was critical to the case being solved," said John Hardy, chairman of the Silent Observer Board of Directors.
      Donations from Grand Traverse Area businesses and contributions of concerned citizens fund the program and the rewards. Any rewards that are paid out are done so in a manner that protects the identity of the caller. Silent Observer does not attempt to determine the callers identity.
      If you have information about a crime that has been committed in the Grand Traverse County area and would like to become a Silent Observer, it is easy as making a phone call.
      - Call 947-TIPS (947-8477) or your local police department with information concerning a crime.
      - Tell the operator you want to be a Silent Observer.
      - The operator will assign a code number that is only given to you.
      - Give your information.
      - Call the reward/information line for a status check.
      According to Silent Observer, no matter how well equipped or effective a local law enforcement agency may be, it cannot function successfully without the cooperation and involvement of its local community members.