November 29, 2000

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - People in the Long Lake area are having serious times on account of a number of wolverines which have come into the neighborhood. The animals are fierce and bold and have carried off good sized pigs, killed a dog and torn the clothing of a young man. It is getting so that women and children are keeping inside the house in the evening and men are arming themselves.
      - Miss Lillian Phelps of St. Catherine, Ontario, will deliver her temperance lecture, "The Sphinx," Monday next at 8 o'clock at the Baptist church. Those who have had the pleasure of listening to Miss Phelps previously, speak of her in the highest terms. A collection will be taken.
      - Manly O. Dodge left Monday last for an extended trip in search of better health. He will first go to Denver and later, make a trip through the south and farther west.
      - J. E. Gibson, the contractor who built the Grand Traverse county courthouse in this city, has been arrested in Jackson, Mississippi. Mr. Gibson has been charged with an attempt to bribe Governor Longino to assist him in securing a contract for the new state house at that place.
      - Mrs. R. Fuller has sold her store building at Interlochen to the firm of Gannett & Pennington. The new owners are now occupying it as a drugstore.
      - Sheriff Simpson went to Acme township yesterday to the farm of Mr. Perryman to care for a horse that it was supposed might have been stolen. It later developed that the horse is owned by Webster Wilson of Williamsburg. The horse was hitched in the city earlier in the day but slipped his halter and was on its way home.
      - Our correspondent at Milton Center reports that two residents of that place are proud owners of new vehicles. Lewis Hockin has a fine new cutter and Nellie Hockin is the possessor of a new wheel.
      - All Union carpenters in good standing are expected to attend the meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Important business from headquarters will be considered.
      - The employees of the mechanical department of the Pere Marquette railroad presented their ex-foreman with a handsome secretary Monday evening. Mr. Tucker left Tuesday for Grand Rapids where he will make his home.
      - James Lardie, of Old Mission, has come to the city to have his leg treated. He got it poisoned with poison ivy more than a year ago and in spite of everything, it has been getting worse until now it is feared he will lose it.
      - All are invited to attend the Spinster's convention at Forester's Hall December 8 and see the old maids transformed into beautiful maidens before their eyes. There will be a silver collection taken at the door for the benefit of the group.
      - Advice on deportment. In a crowd, it is wrong to plant the elbows in the sides of one's fellow-beings, and push and jostle in every direction.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. Never ask your stomach to chew your food - employ your teeth.
      - Best buy of the week. Ulsters, "Plush Lined" - all the best makes. $7.00 - $12.00 at Hamilton Clothing.