December 27, 2000

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - The Friends church gave a very pretty program last evening in connection with a Christmas tree. A white cross on the platform standing before a dark background, was the centerpiece of the room, It was simple but beautiful and impressive. Little gifts for all the pupils were distributed after each was furnished with a bag of candy and nuts.
      - Wayne L. Waters of the Class of 1901 of the high school, has been selected to represent this city in the district oratorical contest to be held in March. Mr. Waters' ability as a speaker is thoroughly recognized in the school.
      - Chief of Police Rennie received the news Saturday of the death of a valuable horse at his camp at Mabel. The horse was worth $250 and will be difficult to replace.
      - Some miscreant stole the contribution box for the St. Joseph Children's Home from William Gelock's saloon Saturday. Liberal contributions have been made since the box was placed there and the depository is thought to have contained over $3.
      - The Boardman River and Electric Co. has been ordered to set their poles in the alley instead of running them along Eleventh Street to the corner at Pine Street. This order was made following a protest from the citizens in that neighborhood.
      - The interior of Mrs. Germaine's residence on Sixth Street is being beautifully decorated in oil colors by John Zock. Mr. Zock is the decorator who adorned the interior of Steinberg's Grand Opera House.
      - After a heroic struggle against death, Mrs. Anna Furtsch, wife of Jacob Furtsch, died Friday morning last. Her health had been delicate for some years but an attack of pneumonia weakened her condition and she was unable to rally. In spite of the inclemency of the weather, over 50 carriages followed the remains to Oakwood cemetery Sunday afternoon.
      - Mr. and Mrs. Lane, of Old Mission, have moved from the lighthouse. They will spend the winter at the residence of their daughter, Mrs. William Rushmore.
      - There will be a box social at the town hall at Acme Saturday for the benefit of Will Tibbetts whose wife has been sick all summer and his children have had typhoid fever. Everybody come.
      - A delightful Christmas reunion was held Tuesday at the home of Charles Thomas on West Bay shore, those present being the party who enjoyed a picnic there in the summer. A bountiful dinner was partaken and later the party adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole where they had a fine oyster supper.
      - The employees of the Boston Store enjoyed a second annual social party and banquet given at the Elks' hall and the Academy Monday night. Mr. Rosenthal, proprietor of the store, enjoys showing his appreciation for the services of his employees and their efforts on behalf of the store. Dancing was part of the evening's festivities and one of the highlights was the presentation of a gift to Mr. Rosenthal from the feted guests - a beautiful easy chair.
      - Advice on deportment. If carving meat is to be done at the table, the host must attend to it himself.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat the itch, wash the parts affected with strong rum or anoint with black soap.
      - Best buy of the week. For Children, Red felt slippers, felt soles, 35 cents at Alfred V. Friedrich.