March 22, 2000

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - The Republican City ticket is one of the best ever put in thefield. Mr. Hamilton has won the respect of everybody in faithful service as mayor during the past year and his nomination was a splendid endorsement and well deserved. The Democrats have nominated a "Citizens" ticket who are all worthy gentlemen, but with such a ticket as the Republicans have, there will be no need for any voter to look further than that when they go to the polls.
      - The congregation of the Presbyterian church arranged at its last meeting to begin at once to make plans for the re-building of their church recently damaged by fire. The insurance has paid the full amount of the policy which was in the amount of $2,200.
      - Sylvester Brown and Miss Myra M. Fillmore were married by Rev. W. K. Wright yesterday at his residence. The bride's sister, Mrs. J. H. Dawson and her husband acted as bridesmaid and best man. They will make their home near the Shane schoolhouse.
      - The many friends of Louis Webber will be pleased to learn that he is slowly convalescing from an attack of the smallpox. He contracted the illness at the Detroit Medical College which he is attending.
      - Seventy-four numbers were sold at the masquerade in Kingsley Saturday night last. The town hall was filled with the merrymakers as well as a number of onlookers.
      - Logs are coming to the Cooperage factory at Green Lake very fast. About 20 carloads a day come in besides what is drawn by teams.
      - The first of the boys to enlist from this city for services in the Philippines and give up his life, was Roy Storrs. He died some time ago of typhoid fever. A telegram received Sunday stated that the body had arrived in San Francisco and had been shipped on to Traverse City. Mr. Storrs was about 20 years of age and had been known to possess many fine qualities.
      - The board of supervisors awarded the contract for shades for the new courthouse to the Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co. yesterday, they being the lowest bidders. The carpets and mattings needed were also ordered from the same company.
      - People in the area are beginning to think that March will give them all the winter they want. A substantial snowfall and low temperatures have prevailed the past week.
      - Mr. Browning has rented his farm at Old Mission to O. H. Ellis for a year. Mr. Seel, of the same place, has rented his farm to Mr. White.
      - Our correspondent at Old Mission reports that Mr. Browning has rented his farm to O. H. Ellis for a year ant Mr. Seal has rented his farm to Mr. White. These are both fine farms and the two gentleman should be guaranteed a profit above the rental charge.
      - Advice on deportment. Never butter a slice of bread and bite into it like a hungry schoolboy.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. Let one poisoned by opium, take a spoonful of lemon juice every half hour.
      - Best buy of the week. Chiffoniers, 5 drawers, 7 styles. $6.75 at J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store.