January 19, 2000

Raffle remains high on the hog

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Kicking off their Extravaganza 2000 six weeks before the event, members of the Women's Resource Center previewed the event's star: a Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce. In the center's signature color of purple, of course.
      The Deuce was displayed Sunday afternoon at Classic Motor Sports, where the Women's Resource Center hosted a preview party to generate excitement about the bike. As shoppers stopped by to drool a little over the latest Harley classic, center staffers and volunteers hawked raffle tickets ($100 a pop) and talked up the Extravaganza, scheduled for February 26 at the Grand Traverse Resort.
      "Every year we try to choose a bike that is hardest to come by and create a frenzy over it," said Nancy Pishney, co-owner of Classic Motor Sports. "I can't imagine anyone not wanting to own this, even if they don't know how to ride, the waiting list for this bike is at least 18 months."
      For the sixth year in a row, the generosity of Pishney and her husband, Don, have given the Women's Resource Center's annual fundraising event a major boost by donating a Harley-Davidson. Pishney, a Traverse City native, has always been interested in women's issues. In fact, her involvement with the Center since donating the first Harley has snowballed to where she now sits on the board of directors and is chairperson of the Extravaganza 2000.
      "They approached me six years ago for a donation for their Extravaganza, not even for a Harley," recalled Pishney. "They didn't realize that I had a soft spot for women's issues and we offered them a bike to auction."
      The bike raffle and Extravaganza fund-raiser take on even greater importance this year for the Women's Resource Center because funds for domestic violence agencies were frozen last July by the state. That means despite more women and families coming to the program for help, the amount of money available to serve them stays at previous year's levels.
      "With the population going up regionally, so is the demand for our services," said Tara Baesch, business manager for the Women's Resource Center. "But we are not getting the dollars from the state to go along with that, so we have to go to the community. Every state's allocations are changing these days and social agencies are taking it on the chin."
      The funds raised by the Extravaganza and the Harley raffle help the center finance a variety of programs, including the Helen's House shelter, Madeleine's House and prevention and education programs.
      With last year's bike generating $30,000 for the center in 1999, organizers are hoping this year's new Softail Deuce model will generate even more money for their domestic violence programs. The center printed just 1,000 raffle tickets to increase each purchaser's odds of winning, thereby boosting overall sales. With the addition of their website, interest in the bike raffle is now worldwide and the first inquiry about this year's raffle came in March from someone in Japan. (Tickets do note that taxes and shipping are the winner's responsibility.)
      Whether local or international, Pishney is sure that the winner will be transfixed by the experience of riding a premier motorcycle.
      "When you are riding out on the Old Mission Peninsula in May and can smell the cherry blossoms, you are out there with the elements," Pishney noted. "There is nothing like it."
      Raffle tickets for the Harley are $100 and available from the Women's Resource Center and Classic Motor Sports; or via the website at www.wrcgt.com or call 800-554-4972.