January 19, 2000

QUIX fix for homework

New District Library program offers students help with school work

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Stumped and baffled by some complex math problems, Tracy Smedes needed some help.
      Instead of asking friends or finding a tutor, Smedes, 17, came to the Traverse Area District Library's new QUIX Homework Helper program. There, with the help of some volunteers, she found the answers she needed and gained confidence that she can use the next time she is stopped by a problem.
      "They were very helpful," said Tracy Smedes, a homeschool student from Lake Leelanau enrolled in a senior studies program. "I got a lot of information I didn't know because I'm poor in math."
      Just started last Wednesday, the QUIX Homework Helper program is the brainchild of Glen Bader, a retired English teacher. For the rest of the school year, community volunteers will be available in the Carnegie area of the library every Wednesday afternoon and evening. They will help students in grades 7-12 who have questions about math, science, English or social studies. Students from any school in the region are welcome.
      "I thought it might be nice to have someplace for the kids to gather that would be some sort of neutral ground," said Bader, who retired six years ago from the Traverse City Area Public schools. "Where it doesn't matter if you are a student from public, private or Christian school or homeschooled - where everyone is welcome."
      Offering homework help for students is an idea that Bader had been kicking around for some years. While teaching, he noticed how busy students are these days with other commitments, such as sports, work or music, and how difficult it is to get help with homework at times that would fit their schedules.
      "I can imagine a kid getting home at 7 o'clock at night and pulling out a lit book," Bader said. "He doesn't understand it. Then he remembers this library program, jumps in his car and comes here and asks the English volunteer, 'Tell me about Faulkner.'­"
      Last August, Bader approached the Traverse Area District Library to see if they were interested in hosting a homework helpers program. Intrigued by the idea, library officials told him to find out what was needed and when. So Bader surveyed 120 teachers and 700 junior high and high school students in the Traverse City Area Public schools, to determine what subjects were most in demand and what hours would be most convenient.
      After his survey confirmed the need, the library committed space and dedicated one computer in their computer lab for the program. They also bought three graphing calculators that students can use while at the library.
      The next step was to find volunteers, who do not necessarily have to be teachers. Bader started speaking to retired teacher's groups and putting up signs around the library, drawing a pool of volunteers that include a physical therapist, an engineer and a former teacher. Just that first night, two more volunteers signed up to help after walking by and seeing the program in action.
      "I just know some of these kids need help, especially with math," said Mike Wildman, a volunteer helping with math last Wednesday evening. "It's fun, too; I get a kick out of challenging my own self and seeing what I can remember."
      Bader eventually hopes to expand the hours of QUIX, perhaps to Sunday or other school days. He also envisions the program as a place where students come to socialize, and perhaps it will one day offer popcorn and music to help draw young people to the library. For a building that has more public hours than any other in the area except the mall, Bader believes the library has potential as a gathering place for youth.
      "We want kids to see it as a neat thing to do, to hang out at the library," Bader said. "Allowing them to eat and drink adds to the social aspect."
      QUIX Homework Helper volunteers are available for students in grades 7-12 every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Call the library at 932-8500 for more information. To volunteer to be a QUIX Homework Helper, contact Ethyl Cage, library volunteer coordinator, at 932-8517.