July 19, 2000

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - The ladies of Grace church have secured Blatchford Kavanaugh, the boy baritone, and Roney's Boys Concert Company for an entertainment on August 2. It was brought here last year by the church ladies and was met with great appreciation. Lovers of music will be rewarded with a fine performance.
      - Dr. J. B. Martin was elected one of the vice presidents of the Michigan Medical Association at their meeting at Mackinaw recently. Dr. Martin has maintained a successful practice in this city for a substantial time and has the admiration of all who have met him.
      - Thomas Armstrong is thoroughly overhauling his house on Washington Street. The new work includes a fresh coat of paint which will add handsomely to the structure.
      - Our correspondent at Mayfield reports much out-of-town visiting by the residents of that place. Kingsley, Hodge, Walton, Nickerson Neighborhood and Traverse City have been popular destinations.
      - There will be a meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America this evening in the Modern Woodmen Hall in the Masonic block. A full attendance is requested due to the important business matters to be discussed.
      - The Charlevoix Challenge Cup, which was won by the marksmen of the Traverse City Rod and Gun club, was placed in the window of Barnum & Earl's jewelry store yesterday. It is a splendid trophy and one of which the club feels very proud.
      - T. G. Shilson, of this place, was elected president at the meeting of the Northern Michigan Odd Fellows' Anniversary association held in Copemish Tuesday last. The finances of the association are in the best possible condition and the usual assessment will not have to be made.
      - Kingsley has witnessed two weddings in the past week. Fred Morlock and Florence Joplin were wed last Friday and Charles R. Snyder and Mabel E. Walsh tied the knot on Saturday. Best wishes have been extended to both couples by their many friends in that community.
      - The Klondike Club held another meeting last Tuesday at the home of William Silaby, the occasion being his birthday anniversary. Mrs. Silaby planned the event which turned into a double surprise for when the men arrived, they were surprised to find the ladies present.
      - Tony Mikula, a tobacco stripper, who works for A. W. Jahraus, met with a serious accident Friday evening resulting in a broken arm. His front bicycle wheel struck an uneven portion of the street near Union and Front Streets and threw him to the ground.
      - The slaughter house of L. L. Sleeper & Co., located southwest of the city, burned Sunday evening with livestock as well as several carcasses of beef and pork. The total loss is about $100. The cause of the fire is not known.
      - Advice on deportment. The usual hours for calling are from 2 to 5 P. M. An evening call should never be made as a first call.
      - To cure hiccough, take a lump of sugar saturated with vinegar.
      - Best buy of the week. Ladies' Strap Slippers, black kid, very nice shapes, all sizes. 65 cents at Alfred V. Friedrich.