April 19, 2000

Interlochen swings for the fences with musical

Elementary school delivers 'The Inside Pitch' May 9 at Corson Auditorium

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Mesmerizing students with stories of Hank Aaron, Casey Stengel and Whitey Ford, retired pitcher Jay Hook spun his tales of life in the Big Leagues to students in the fourth, fifth and sixth-grade music classes at Interlochen Elementary. During his five year pitching with the New York Mets and Cincinnati Reds, Hook brought home a World Series ring and a lifetime of memories.
      For students hanging on Hook's every word, the topic of baseball legends was particularly timely as the combined music classes are steeped in their upcoming production of the musical 'The Inside Pitch.' This one-act musical highlights the lore of America's favorite pastime, using songs, dances and a rapping umpire to tell the story of some of the game's most famous players. From Babe Ruth pointing his famous home run into the stands to Hank Aaron hitting his record breaker, the students have researched their characters and are creating a copy of the uniforms they wore. Even obscure, infamous players like Fred Merkel are not forgotten.
      Diving into baseball was an easy way to inspire the students, who have thrown themselves into the play wholeheartedly.
      "I really love baseball, it's my second favorite sport next to hockey," said Bryce Spiker, a sixth-grader who plays one of eight principal roles in the play. "I play both sports and I like singing, I do it all the time."
      The music students at Interlochen Elementary have been rehearsing their parts two mornings a week for the past 11 weeks. The eight principle characters in the musical come in an hour before school starts those two mornings for their rehearsal. All students in the three grades participate in the performance as singers, dancers or fans. In addition, students in the school's art classes are painting the sets. Students have also hosted bake sales to help raise money for the musical.
      "I'm working with a group of kids who just want more, they just love every part of the fine arts," said Peg Pierson, the music teacher at the school. "This is new territory for them but every week there are new depths that the kids have reached for."
      Pierson arranged for students to give their performance at Corson Auditorium, the 972-seat main stage at Interlochen Academy for the Arts. Participants are excited to be performing on a real stage, Pierson noted. To help them get ready, she has also scheduled singing performances for them around town at area schools and nursing homes between now and the big day.
      The project, which received a grant from MichCon and the Interlochen PTA, has received broad support at the school from parents and teachers.
      "The teachers went crazy when I told them my idea before the school year started," said Pierson, who produced the play three years ago with students from Traverse Heights Elementary School. "They really wanted us to do it."
      Friday morning also featured a visit from professional dancer, singer and choreographer Judy Harrison, who is also a parent at the school. She worked with the students on their stage presence, musical presentation and choreography, giving them professional staging tips.
      "She told us you need to have energy coming out of the ends of your fingers," said Nolen Joy, who also will play a principle role in the musical. "We need to practice being really animated."
      Interlochen Elementary School students will present 'The Inside Pitch' on Tuesday, May 9, at 7 p.m. in the Corson Auditorium at the Interlochen Academy for the Arts. Ticket price is a donation at the door to the elementary school's music program. For more information, contact Pierson at 933-5938.