October 18, 2000

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - A large number of men have continued the search for the body of Willard Young, who was drowned in Boardman Lake Tuesday. Over 50 men were in the party yesterday, led by Chief of Police Rennie, and to this was added the entire force of Beitner's factory.
      - Architect W. A. Dean has prepared plans for a large addition to the Hotel Whiting that will add much to the capacity of that popular hostelery. A large number of sleeping rooms will be provided with a bathroom for every two rooms.
      - The reserving of seats for the entire season in the high school lecture and music course will take place in the City Opera House next Monday evening. The course promises to be the best that has ever been given here and those who have not yet secured seats should make it a point to do so soon.
      - The West Garfield Farmers' Club will hold its next meeting at Lone Tree October 25. A corn show will be presented, 10 ears of a variety, with premiums awarded. The discussion subject is "How Best to Handle and Market Our Potatoes".
      - Alvin Wise, a young man of 17, died Sunday morning at Mayfield as the result of a peculiar accident. He was idling about with a number of other young men by a pair of log tracks Saturday evening when one of the large wheels came off and fell upon him inflicting wounds of which he died.
      - The apple crop around the area is almost a failure this year. Potatoes are looking quite good and those who have commenced digging report a fair crop. Buckwheat is also a fair crop.
      - H. D. Campbell is opposed to the granting of a gas franchise to outside parties and so expressed himself to this office Monday. Mr. Campbell states that enough capital could be raised here to establish a good plant and that work could be started next spring.
      - Tip Bradley, a pioneer citizen in good health, hanged himself in his barn last week. Two brothers also hanged themselves and it is believed the suicidal mania runs in the family.
      - As the campaign draws to a close, the interest in the result becomes more and more marked. It is now a question of getting to the polls. If the Republicans do this, there will be the greatest Republican plurality any president has had in forty years.
      - Maggie, wife of Victor Scofield, died Sunday at their home near Williamsburg of typhoid fever, aged 36 years. Besides her husband and three bright boys, she leaves a father and mother, six brothers and two sisters.
      - E. E. Maynard, of Interlochen, raised a turban squash on his place that weighs 53 pounds. He says that he has more nearly as large.
      - Advice on deportment. Dancing does not always form part of the entertainment at evening parties. There may be conversation, cards, games or music alone provided.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. For chapped lips, dissolve some beeswax in a little sweet oil. Apply to the lips several times a day.
      - Best buy of the week. Ladies' Electric Seal Collarettes, $1.25 at The New York Store.