May 10, 2000

Central High stages cabaret style performance

Rendezvous at the Jazz Club next Friday and Saturday at Central High School

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Country, rap, rock and jazz are not the normal styles of singing that audiences have come to expect from members of the Central High School choral programs.
      But at their third annual Rendezvous at the Jazz Club, a cabaret-style dinner performance, all bets are off as the best and brightest of the program cut loose musically for two evenings. Held on Friday, May 19, and Saturday, May 20, each night will feature a different set of solo acts woven around group performances of the school's choral students, including the Chorale, the Concert Choir, the Choral-Aires, Men of Note and Vocal Majority. In keeping with tradition, the Choral-Aires will open and close the show both nights.
      "This is a great way we can showcase our talent and show what we can do," said Lindsey Guy, a senior who is co-director of the event. "In three years, I've watched it grow from a small, little talent show to a complete dinner show. It is a great way to end the year."
      While it is not the year's final performing event- the Music Boosters Concert will be held shortly afterward- for many students Rendezvous is the beginning of saying good bye to a great year. And for the tight-knit group of choral singers, 150 strong, it is a chance to go outside of what they would normally do on-stage.
      Just take singer Amanda Foulon, a junior this year, who has visions of making it big in Nashville one day as a country singer. Already she has entered country music contests and met her heroes Reba McEntire and Leann Rimes when they played in Traverse City at the National Cherry Festival. She is planning to invite members of area country music stations to the Rendezvous to see her perform.
      "I love the chance to show that I can sing country," Foulon said. "I love Rendezvous and I look forward to it every year. I really get to showcase what I want to showcase."
      Students like Foulon throw themselves into the planning, rehearsal and choreography of the solo acts. The complete freedom to choose inspires their creativity, so much so that organizers find it hard to keep the show down to a reasonable length.
      At the auditions last week, more than 37 acts, ranging from one to three singers, tried out. Since there was room for only 28 acts, it was a tough winnowing process for Guy, co-director Rebecca Ross and Cobb.
      "It was really difficult because we have so many friends who you want to be in the show," Guy said. "But we are really close as a group and people understood."
      A jazz lover himself, choral director Jeff Cobb relishes the chance for everyone to perform different styles of music - plus create a unique venue in which to present it. A dance floor, dinner and sparkling decorations all contribute to the atmosphere of a sophisticated evening on the town. Alumni, parents and couples flocked to last year's shows, one of which sold out.
      "The students work so hard doing so much all year they really love this chance to do something different," Cobb said. "This event more than any other they help create, they play everything and do all the decorating."
      Rendezvous III will be held on Friday, May 19, and Saturday, May 20, at the Central High School cafeteria. Dinner seating is at 6:30 p.m. with the show starting after the meal is complete. Ticket prices are $20 per adult, $15 for students and senior citizens or $60 for a family of up to five. For more information, contact the school's box office at 933-3573.