June 7, 2000

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald
      - Now that the term is finished, most of the teachers of the city schools have planned both recreation and professional development for the summer vacation. Some are leaving today, some have already gone and others who do not reside here will remain for a time before going to their homes. Superintendent Horn and Principal Ryder will spend much of their time in the city and then attend a summer term at the University of Chicago.
      - The poverty social given at Mrs. Seeley's at Mabel was very well attended in spite of it being a stormy night. Over five dollars was raised. Clinton Pray won the prize for the worst dressed gentleman and Mrs. Beck, the poorest dressed lady.
      - Arthur Grelick speared a big eel in the bay Monday night. The fish was more than three feet in length and is the largest ever known to have been taken from those waters.
      - G. E. Schiappacasse & Co.'s fruit store has the distinction of having the first live tarantula captured here this season. The spider dropped from a bunch of bananas and was put into a jar with a stick.
      - Miss Mabel Rickerd has been selected as stenographer for the city clerk. She will also assist in the official correspondence of other city officials.
      - Our correspondent from Old Mission reports that several residents in that place are ill. James Roberts and Mrs. Drew have both been quite sick but are now getting better and the many friends of Nellie Stone will be glad to hear that she is able to be out again after her long illness.
      - A deal has been completed whereby Mrs. J. D. Munson has bought of Rich Hallberg the lot on Front Street, opposite Steinberg's Grand Opera House. The frontage is 49 feet and the depth 165 feet. The price was $6,000 cash. A handsome brick block will be built on the property.
      - Miss Allie Avery closed a very successful term of school last Friday at Acme. She has taught in that place the past four years and will be missed by the her large circle of friends. An ice cream party was given in her honor and she was presented with a very beautiful lamp.
      - E. J.Waldron has purchased the Zonlek estate of 120 acres near Neahtawanta for $1,025. He will divide the land into lots and has plans to open a new resort. The location is excellent for this purpose.
      - Samuel Bolton, who threatened the life of his wife and Clerk Littlefield of the Columbia Hotel Saturday, was brought before Judge Roberts Monday on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. He was sentenced to a fine of $5 and costs, in default of which he is now in jail.
      - Company M will start in a body for Long Lake this week-end where they will camp out in the available shanties and spend some time fishing. The boys are preparing to have a good time and the prospect is that there will be a large turnout.
      - Advice on deportment. The proper age for a young girl to be presented to society is when she has left school and when her mind is in a measure prepared for the ordeal.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat deafness with a dry ear, mix brandy and sweet oil. Dip black wool in this and put it into the ear.
      - Best buy of the week. Infant Bands - wraps around the little one's body, held with a safety pin. 25 cents at The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.