December 29, 1999

Scout shows spirit of giving

Adam Jordan donates mountain bike to Father Fred Foundation

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Throwing himself into the Christmas spirit again this year, Cub Scout Adam Jordan showed that his heart is in the right place. For the second year in a row, Jordan, 9, decided to donate the mountain bike he earned as a prize during the Boy Scout's annual popcorn fund-raiser to the Father Fred Foundation, turning it over last Thursday afternoon just in time for Christmas.
      His generosity means that this spring, a boy whose family could otherwise not afford a bike will be riding a brand new one. Courtesy of Adam Jordan.
      "Last year I got the idea because I already had a bike and I thought I'd like to do something with the one I earned," said Jordan, a member of Pack 22 based at Cherry Knoll Elementary School. "This year I was thinking about what kind of prizes I could get and what to do with them. I was surprised to win another bike but I knew I wanted to donate it."
      When the call came in to the Father Fred Foundation earlier this month offering another bike, foundation coordinator Matt Myers was astonished to hear from Jordan again. A donation of this caliber is unique, Myers noted, especially coming from one child to another. Not to mention having it come in two years in a row.
      "Nobody told him to do this, nobody made him do this - that is true scouting," said Myers, who said that the foundation will serve more than 350 families and 1,000 children during the holiday season. "We're very proud of him. I've got a boy in mind who really needs this bike."
      After last year's first-place sales volume efforts, this year Jordan was the pack's second highest seller. He sold $1,756 worth of popcorn, a high percentage of the pack's total of $12,000 in sales.
      For one person to sell that much popcorn means cases and cases of the stuff - microwave and regular - pitched, sold and delivered. Cases and cases that his parents, Jim and Karen Jordan of East Bay Township, got to know very well as they spent many hours last month moonlighting as a delivery fleet. But the result was well worth it when their son immediately thought of someone besides himself when he again earned enough points for another mountain bike.
      "We're pretty proud of him, he came up with the idea himself," said Jim Jordan, who serves as Adam's assistant pack leader. "He's a good boy, he really is."
      Jordan certainly won a lot of kudos from Santa Claus, who was on hand Thursday afternoon when he and his parents brought the bike to the Father Fred offices. Jolly old St. Nick choked up a bit as he acknowledged Jordan's kindness.
      "Adam is an example to other kids," Santa declared.
      And it is an example that is taking hold among those who know Jordan. His donation last year had many unexpected ripple effects for Jordan, his family and his Cub Scout pack throughout the year.
      After giving away last year's bike, Jordan received many letters praising him and small gifts from friends and neighbors, while teachers told him how proud they were. This year, the whole pack decided to donate food to a food bank after seeing how one person could make a difference. And workers at McClain Cycle Shop also got into the spirit and put the bike together at no charge.
      "We never really expected the ripple effect," Jim Jordan said. "It has been wonderful to see."