April 21, 1999

West Thespians to Internationals

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      Superior: of higher rank, quality or importance; excellence.
      For Dave Nerychel, Psaira Baty and Abby Pavlov, three members of the West High School chapter of the International Thespian Society, superior is no longer an abstract concept. These students received superior ratings at the State Thespian Society competition last month, garnering each a performance at the prestigious International Thespian Society's International Competition in June.
      Nerychel and Baty received a superior rating for a musical theater duet and Nerychel for a musical theater solo. These students were the only ones in Michigan to receive superior ratings in either of these categories. Pavlov was one of only two ranked superior in her category of technical theater. She won for her sets designed for the play Titanic to All Ships, which members of the local chapter of the Thespian Society produced at West High School in February.
      "I knew Psaira and I had a real good chance of placing, we were confident that we did a real good job," said Nerychel, who sang pieces from Les Miserables in both of his performances. "There were so many talented kids there I didn't think I had a chance, but I am real honored to go to international."
      With only nine total students going on to the international competition from Michigan, having three of them from one school is a coup for West High School. The superior ratings were also a pleasant surprise considering that Traverse City had virtually no drama program just five years ago. In addition, when West and Central High Schools split last year, the fledgling drama club was divided into two.
      "I'm just so pleased, they are such talented kids and so dedicated," said Kristie Bach, a drama and broadcasting teacher who has been the club's advisor for four years. "The club provides a real niche where kids can express themselves and be creative. With the split in the schools, these kids are not getting lost and can find their niche."
      Typifying the local society's team spirit, ten members plan to go to the International Thespian Competition in Lincoln, Nebraska, not just the three competitors. The weeklong conference features workshops and draws scouts from Hollywood and many colleges who offer scholarships to competitors there.
      To help raise the $6,000 plus needed to sent this contingent to Nebraska, the West Senior High School chapter of the International Thespian Society will perform "A Dinner and a Murder: Against My Will" on Friday and Saturday evening at West Senior High School at 6:30 p.m. "Against My Will" is an original screenplay written by John Parker, a member of the society, specifically to raise money for this trip.
      Parker wrote the script one snowy day when school was cancelled, just after the club attended a Thespian Society regional competition in Sterling Heights in February. There, members decided they wanted to go to the International Competition even if no one from the school placed.
      "We all thought it would be so cool to do a dinner theater murder mystery," said Parker, who is also co-directing the play with Pavlov. "When I got back after that weekend, inspiration hit and I just started writing. It just kind of flowed out."
      Advisor Bach reviewed the first draft and since then it has gone through major changes as other members of the society, who auditioned for roles, helped shape the final play.
      "This cast is unbelievable, we've pulled it all together in just three weeks," said Parker, who had performed in dinner theater at his church before. "They've all put their own spin on the characters."
      Tickets for A Dinner and a Murder: Against My Will are $15 and all proceeds will help fund the club's trip to the International Thespian Competition in Lincoln, Nebraska, in June. For more information, call the West High School Box office at 933-8389.