December 8, 1999

Madrigal a feast for the senses

By Garret Leiva
Herald editor
      In what will surely be a feast for the eyes, ears and stomach, Traverse City West Senior High School will present its annual "Renaissance Madrigal Feaste" this Friday and Saturday.
      Featured during the 2 1/2 hour dinner theater will be the West Senior High Choral-Aires, Bella Voce, Men of Note and the award-winning Chorale. Along with 20 or so songs, the evening will also include a five course meal of roast beef, grilled chicken, vegetables, appetizers and pumpkin mousse tart for dessert.
      Started three years ago, the school's Madrigal Feaste is a true to form reenactment of a medieval English dinner with one small acceptation: guests will have access to silverware noted Russ Larimer, director of choral activities at WSH.
      "This dinner is based on what you might have encountered in the 15th century. During that time, a lord and lady would host a party for area royalty. The guests in this case is our audience," Larimer said, whose students have been rehearsing songs and the extensive 14 page script for a month.
      While not on the menu, the evening's main course will be singing in the Madrigal style. Larimer said the performers will follow this "small ensembles, very independent of parts" mode of music. As with any live theater, however, anything is possible.
      "They'll even be a surprise piece or two that I know the audience will enjoy, perhaps even a Beach Boys' song," Larimer said.
      Another audience favorite, Larimer noted, has been the extra theatrical skit accompanying each Feaste. This year's theme of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" will be no exception
      With several players battling for the role of court jester, three distinct scripts will be played out for the audience's amusement. They include a hippie, a Star Trek and a politically correct "'Twas the Night Before Christmas."
      To help get into their stage roles, each student selected their character's name. The results of this character development is a play bill that includes "Foggy Knight," "Sir Jerry" and "Sir Osis of Liverpool." Students also used workshops to learn individual lines and English dialects.
      Staged in the school's Commons Hall, the highly decorated cafeteria area will feature other musical sounds. Bruce and Gwenyth Vanbuskirk will play several instruments of antiquity including recorder, viol, and krummhorn throughout the evening.
      Performance dates for the "Renaissance Madrigal Feaste" are December 10, 11, 17 and 18 at 5:30 p.m. in the WSH Commons Hall. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students and are by advance reservation only at 933-7509. Proceeds will benefit the West Senior High Chorale trip to Europe this July. The choir group will perform at the international musical "Eisteddfod Choir of the World" festival in Wales, along with performances in Great Britain and Paris. Donations are being accepted to defer travel expenses. For more information, call the WSH choir office at 933-7798.