September 30, 1998

Junior cheerleaders love 'Gettin' Jiggy Wit It'

By Jacquie Thomas
Herald Editor

      'Hot To Go' is what they were on Saturday.
      It might be a standard cheerleading yell, but it is an apt description of 47 elementary girls who took part in the Titan Junior Cheerleading Clinic during the past two Saturday mornings at TC West Senior High School.
      They might have learned the Helicopter, the Titan Beat and the Titan Chant, but it was "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" that proved to be the class fav' and motto, hands down, or rather, hands together.
      The Titan Cheerleading Squad, coached by Lori Tulgetske, thought sharing their spirit, skills and enthusiasm with elementary girls with the same goals seemed like a great fund-raiser idea.
      "Cheerleading is the best thing in the world," exuded Erin Sedlacek, Sr. and first year cheerleader. "This turned out even better than we thought; we'll do it again. It was a great way to make money and to have fun, too!"
      The elementary girls agreed. Elizabeth Coulter, a 5th grade student at Traverse Bay Community School, couldn't wait. "It's a great way to involve the kids and get some Titan spirit early," said Elizabeth's mom, Barb Coulter, social studies instructor at TC West.
      "It's a great chance for our high school girls to role model for the younger girls. They are a very positive and enthusiastic group that really seemed to love working with the kids. It doesn't hurt that they are also very good cheerleaders."
      Cassie, 8, and Chelsea, 6, Wright, Westwoods Elementary students love cheerleading and the cheerleaders along with Kelly Danmnan, 8, and Emily Esch, 9, from Silver Lake Elementary. "I want to be a cheerleader when I grown up," remarked Danmnan, which seemed to reflect the consensus of the day.
      "I had fun, the cheerleaders were great, we learned alot of cheers and alot about cheerleading," said Christina McNeal, 11, student at Silver Lake Elementary.
      "At first the girls thought it was something else, run by someone else," explained Christina's mom, Terri McNeal.
      "When they found out it was Titan Cheerleaders, they all wanted to do it. All her friends are here!"
      "The kids were so cute," explained Varsity Squad member Michelle Sander. "I thought it would be totally out of control, but it was so cool. The kids were so into it."
      "We show them that being upbeat, enthusiastic and positive-that's what being a cheerleader is all about," reflected Rachael Marsh, sophomore at West.
      "We got alot out of it, too. It was a fund-raiser, but they (the kids) bring you alot of joy and spirit. They get you excited to share with them."
      Coach Tulgetske hopes they can schedule another clinic during basketball season. "It's such a positive way for our young kids to interact with these great high school role models. Some of the elementary schools were represented so well-we hope the rest 'get the word' for our next clinic."
      "It's fun and it's great PR for us. When we go to the game Saturday and everyone sees the girls and how much fun it is and how much they learned-they will all want to do it! It be a super fund-raiser for us."
      The Titan Junior Cheerleading Clinic graduates will perform at the Titan vs. Cadillac game at 7:30 p.m. Saturday night on Thirlby Field.