November 19, 1998

Long Lake holds 22nd 10-week Euchre Tournament

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer
      It was an evening of knocking, bidding and trumping, with a little bluffing thrown in for good measure.
      Good-natured rivalry was the name of the game at the final session of the Long Lake Township 22nd Euchre Tournament at the Long Lake Township Hall. Held twice a year for the past 11 years, this fall's tournament drew 16 players who vied for a variety of prizes. But camaraderie was more important than competition for these card sharks during the ten-week tournament. Players were also glad to play while raising money for a good cause: the Long Lake Township Volunteer Firefighters.
      "I sometimes win," said Lloyd Woodcox of Garfield Township, who has been playing in the tournaments for years and this time was alternating weeks with wife, Trudie. "But I come for the fun, not the prizes."
      For most players it is a family affair, as husbands, wives, grandparents and children matched their wits against each other. Georgette Galla of Cedar came to the tournament with her husband, while her daughter and son in law alternated weeks playing and babysitting the kids at home.
      "I like the challenge of playing here," said Galla, who has been coming to this tournament for five years. "I have been playing euchre for 39 years, since I got married, and my grandkids are learning now."
      The Long Lake Township Volunteer Firefighters sponsor the euchre tournaments as one of their four annual fundraising activities. Each player antes up $30 to play and this tournament's16 players raised nearly $300 for the department, after expenses. The money will be used to buy radios and first aid equipment for the firefighters' jump kits, which contain an array of basic first aid items in each firefighter's truck.
      "The volunteer aspect is a necessity in this township," said Bob Steinberg, a volunteer firefighter for 30 years in the township. "We need more of them. At one time we had 30 people but now we have only 15 very active volunteer members and a bigger population."
      While the volunteer firefighters emphasize teamwork, in their euchre tournaments it is every person for himself. Players were randomly paired into teams as the night began, but they switched partners every three games as the nine games progressed.
      "If someone is having a cold or hot night, we switch players every three games so their partner is not playing only with them," said Bob Steinberg, who has been playing euchre since he was ten. "Euchre is a fast-paced game and challenging. There is some bluffing, a little like poker."
      Each night of the tournament had three winners and the three highest total scores for all ten weeks were the tournament winners, which this time were: Orpha Taylor, Bob Steinberg and Ken Secor. The consolation prize for the lowest score went to Ginger Steinberg.
      The next fundraiser for the Long Lake Township Volunteer Firefighters is a pancake breakfast on Sunday, December 6, from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Long Lake Township Hall. The breakfast is open to the public and will also include a silent auction and a visit from Santa.