"From the publisher"
Published Jan. 29, 2003 |
Newspaper proves that
the more things change,
the more they stay the same
A very brittle, yellow and torn piece of newspaper Roger Thackston
found in the back of his great-grandfather Thackston's clock
tells me that 2003 is just like 1878.
The elder Thackston served in a Tennessee regiment fighting
with Confederate General Robert E. Lee during the Civil War.
Thackston was wounded during action in Virginia.
I know you are saying, "No way," because we have
all these state and federal programs such as TennCare, Medicare,
WIC and food stamps. We also have great modern technology such
as computerized everything. Pictures are flashed on your television
or computer screens within seconds of the event happening.
The following was reported in great-grandfather Thackston's
newspaper: "Where the money will come from to run the state
next year."
"It was reported in The American this morning
that there would be a deficit of $100,000 in the payment of expenses
for the state government for the year 1878.
"We learned this morning that with the 10 cents tax levied
by the last legislature and the collection of the remainder of
the uncollected forty cent tax, which was suspended until next
October, there will be a sufficient amount on hand to pay ...current
At that point the paper was torn and the story could not be
finished. That $100,000 in 1878 is comparable to millions today.
Therefore, our story about living today is no different from
125 years ago. One needs to put more in their pot than one takes
* * *
You and I need to live each day so as to not regret our actions
and we need to speak words of kindness and goodness to those
around us each day. I need to be much more appreciative of all
my blessings.
Today is the very essence of life because tomorrow never really
comes. When you get to tomorrow, it is today.
* * *
Have you noticed the block building under construction by Pro
Automotive out on the four-lane? Kim Dean, who works in our graphics
department, tells me her brother, Mark, is going to put in a
"Smoothie King." We will be able to get health shakes
and healthy foods!
With my love of ice cream, I can finally have a shake without
such guilt. Feeling guilty about a thick, velvety chocolate shake
is not so pleasant and the pain lasts for the duration of the
drink and several seconds thereafter.
Mayor J.H. Graham III has promised me that in a short time, we
will be able to make another announcement that will please me
greatly and probably a lot of you.
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Pauline Sherrer is publisher of the Crossville Chronicle. Her column appears periodically
in the newspaper.