from the National Archives
Here's my nickel!
Published Dec. 12,
Dear Chronicle:
Please add my Nickel Tax Rebellion self-assessment to the fund
which will benefit the students of Cumberland County. Like many
teachers, I spend more than this every month on supplies for
students in my classroom.
It is a shame that our county commission received an F in funding
on our State Report Card, but our citizens are fortunate to have
hundreds of teachers who are willing to spend their "away
from school time" and their hard-earned dollars to help
the students of Cumberland County.
Despite our low salaries and lack of support from some of our
commissioners, we will continue to place the needs of our students
as our top priority. Thank you to the county commissioners who
value education, our children and our county's future.
Sandy Sweeney,
Dear Chronicle:
Here are our contributions to the Nickel Tax Rebellion. At the
suggestion of Pat Nixon, we have enclosed a second contribution
reflecting our business property tax.
We believe that money invested in reducing overcrowding at our
schools will lead to fewer outbreaks of colds, strep throat,
pinkeye, influenza, gastroenteritis, lice and other things that
make kids miserable.
Robert and Suzanne Berman,
Plateau Pediatrics
Dear Chronicle:
As a new taxpayer in Crossville, I would like to make this donation
to the Cumberland County school system in honor of three groups:
1). the dedicated teachers and administrators at each school;
2). the non-certified staff who deserve so much more; and 3).
the students who represent the future of this great community.
I have been very impressed with the citizens of this community
who have shown their support for our schools in the Nickel Tax
Rebellion. I want to contribute my part and more to promote the
continuing quality of education in Cumberland County.
Working together means winning together.
Pattie Ragsdale
Dear Chronicle:
Enclosed is our check. Please pass it on to the proper persons.
We strongly support what Bob and Marilyn and hundreds of other
citizens are doing to help our schools and our kids of Cumberland
Ray and Helen Brooks,
Baltusrol Rd., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Please add our check to the Cumberland school needs. We hope
someone can make the Cumberland County students understand how
very important it is for them to get a good education.
Art and Delores Schimmoeller,
Wilshire Heights, Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
We are fortunate in Cumberland county that our property taxes
are not excessive. I am happy to contribute an extra nickel based
on my tax assessment. My check is enclosed for the Nickel Tax
Jean L. Risner,
Dovenshire Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Please pass our nickel tax on to the board of education. We benefited
from a caring education system and we believe every child should
have the same benefit.
Lloyd and Ann Tripp,
Rolling Green Ct., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Please direct this contribution to the athletic department for
the Nickel Tax Rebellion.
Bill and C.E. Burton,
Inwood Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Enclosed is our check representing our nickel per $100 contribution.
We both feel that a good education is important for all children
and we hope that the county board members will come to recognize
that need as well as the support that exists within the community.
Geof and Terry Enlund,
Stonewood Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Here is our check for our share of the nickel rebellion. Our
school system needs a lot of support.
Richard and Roberta Edler,
Ivy Lane, Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Here is our nickel tax donation for choir room improvements.
Go Jets!
Robert and Beatrice Springer,
Lakeshire Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle:
Enclosed is our check for the Nickel Tax Rebellion. We had phoned
our commissioners, Charles Seiber and David Gibson in the 4th
District, prior to the final vote and voiced our approval of
the tax increase.
Both voted no. We have a daughter at Cumberland County High School
and we want the best education for her and the other children
of Cumberland County. Please forward our check to the school
Don and Diana Roysden,
Pomona Rd.
Dear Chronicle:
It is gratifying to see many Cumberland Countians supporting
the schools by volunteering the nickel the county commission
turned down.
May I add my nickel and then some to this campaign. Here's to
education and our children, the future of our county.
Shirley E. Tucker,
Pin Oak Lane
Dear Chronicle:
With pleasure we enclose a check for $17.95 that represents a
nickel gift for every $100 of our property evaluation for Cumberland
County Schools. We look forward when this, and even more, becomes
a part of our levied county tax on property.
William and Loyce Hunt
Bradford Lane, Fairfield Glade