from the National Archives
Here's my nickel!
Published Dec. 5,
Dear Chronicle,
Isn't it a wonderful life in a community where we choose to support
our children and their education? They are our future and we
can be a part of it.
Janie Earthly
War Eagle Dr.
Dear Chronicle,
I no longer own property in Cumberland County, but I have two
wonderful grandchildren in Stone Elementary. There are days when
I pick them up after school, or at 4:30 p.m. after ball practice.
Even at this late time I always see three to five teachers in
their classrooms working and I feel sure that they've been there
since 7 a.m., or even earlier.
One thing I sure can do in this county is vote and for whomever
I think would do the best job, so that sure eliminates most of
you so-called county commissioners.
Here's my check. Wish I could give more.
June Beatty
Twin Oaks
Dear Chronicle,
We are pleased to enclose our check representing the nickel increase
in the tax rate that was voted down by our short-sighted county
Let's hope that the voters will remember the names of the naysayers
at the next election as replacing them will be a step toward
improving the chance of our Cumberland County children succeeding
in their future lives.
Norma and Albin Anderberg
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Thanks for continuing the Nickel Tax Rebellion initiated by the
Johnsons. Newspaper publicity can accomplish two goals. Community
participation (you asked first, where in the world at the parents?)
and secondly, enlighten our commissioners to just how short-sighted
their position is on the needs of a quality school system.
Publishing the commissioners' voting record on this important
issue from time to time would assist voters in deciding how to
cast their vote next election.
Our check is enclosed.
Gene and Bernie Abbott
Lake Tansi
Dear Chronicle,
Education is important.
Judith Steepleton
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
It has taken me too long to join the Nickel Tax Rebellion, but
I support it fully. I also support smaller high schools for the
academic and personal well-being of the students (therefore,
two high schools).
Ginny Nixon
Pleasant Hill
Dear Chronicle,
Attached please find our check in support of the Nickel Tax Rebellion.
Jack and Jean Ely
Cherokee Trail
Lake Tansi
Dear Chronicle,
Here is my bit for our schools!
Evelyn W. Crane
Cromwell Lane
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
We are retired, but well aware of the value of a good education.
Our children are the results of one. We have five children, but
two in a school system away from here. One is a special education
and another is a principal.
We also know how much money each of them pay out of their pocket
to help provide for the special needs of their students.
We sure want to be a part of this Nickel Tax Rebellion to further
the cause of the present school system. Let's all keep up the
good work.
Leona and Bob Ginther
Havenridge Cir.
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
This is our nickel and more toward the tax rebellion. It seems
a shame our county commissioners didn't see fit to help our schools.
Will you print the results of this tax vote again, so next election
we can vote for people who are for education?
Keith and Mary Sickels
Pleasant Hill
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed is our rounded up nickel tax check for the education
of our Cumberland County children.
Audrey and Walter Mellor
Lakewood Dr.
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
We are new in Pleasant Hill but want to support the Nickel Tax
Rebellion because we know that the strength of the educational
system will decide the strength and prosperity of a region of
the county.
Jim and Pat Cavanaugh
Pleasant Hill
Dear Chronicle,
Maybe this will buy a new textbooks. We'll pray each and everyone
sends in their portion. Keep us posted.
Arthur J. and Dorothy Meharg
Cromwell Lake
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
We are property owners in Cumberland County. We keep up with
the news on-line when we are not in the area. Please add this
check as our part in the Nickel Tax Rebellion fund.
C.R. and Sharolyn Inman
Pendleton, SC
Dear Chronicle,
Our children are our future. They need all the educational help
they can get. Enclosed is a check for our nickel's worth, to
help improve the education for the children of Cumberland County.
Bob and Betty Arnold
Charlton Lane
Dear Chronicle,
Here's our contribution to the Nickel Tax Rebellion. Thanks for
spearheading this.
Eloise and Dick Disseler
Pleasant Hill
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed is our check in support of the Nickel Tax Rebellion.
Herbert S. Moreland
Pineridge Ct.
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed is our Nickel Tax Rebellion check. It is a bit more
than double the required amount, but we feel it is a great investment.
George and Jean McGonagle
Hamlet Dr.
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Please accept the enclosed check for the Nickel Tax Rebellion.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Milt and Anne Tack
Pomeroy Ct.
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Please find enclosed our Nickel Tax contribution.
Allen and Rebecca Foster
Hilltop Dr.