from the National Archives
Readers sound off on Tax
Published Nov. 26,
The first shots were fired, in what has become known as the
Nickel Tax Rebellion, when letters to the editor by Carey Mumford
and Val and Jack Holtz were received in the offices of the Crossville
Chronicle regarding the Cumberland County Commission's failure
to pass a five-cent tax increase to further fund education in
the county. Those letters were published in the Oct. 10 Crossville
Chronicle. After that, a letter arrived from Bob Johnson suggesting
property owners voluntarily send in the nickel the board of education
had requested. That suggestion led to one of the most phenomenal
outpourings of voluntary taxation since neighboring states approved
the lottery; but this time the money will stay right here in
Cumberland County. Homeowners, even renters, have been sending
in checks equal to 5 cents per $100 of assessed value on their
homes to the Chronicle office. The Chronicle will, in turn, entrust
the money to a foundation being formed to handle the money for
the Board of Education. The letter from Bob Johnson and a few
of your friends and neighbors in Fairfield Glade follow:
Dear Chronicle,
Thanks to Carey Mumford, Val and Jack Holtz for their letters
in the Oct. 10 Chronicle.
Let's find out just how many Cumberland County people really
feel about the "lack of the .05" increase in property
tax for education.
My condo assessment was $26,600. That times five cents per $100
equals $13.30. Enclosed is my check for that amount. The commissioners
are to keep their hands off this money.
This is not much, but if half of Cumberland County would do this
... it ought to show the commissioners we want the best education
for our children.
Bob Johnson
Big Horn Dr.
Dear Chronicle,
I wish to commend the letter to the editor from Bob Johnson in
your Oct. 29 edition concerning the $.05 for the education tax
issue. I applaud him for taking a personal action and I am enclosing
my check for $24.32 representing my "nickel's-worth."
I would hope other Cumberland Countians, including county officials,
who favor increased educational spending, will join him in his
Carmin E. Lynch
Creigmont Dr.
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
We are pleased to send along our phantom tax check in support
of the schools which we ask you to forward directly to Dr. Ragsdale.
It saddens us to think of the children of our community who are
victims of the stubborn, short-sightedness of our commissioners.
It is downright embarrassing to us all that, for example, our
underpaid teachers feel they must purchase school supplies with
their own money. It is a shame those who sit as commissioners
cannot demonstrate a willingness to trust the new board of education
and superintendent.
I urge Dr. Ragsdale to have patience, and know that the commissioners
do not necessarily represent the views of all of us. Hopefully,
this debacle will be remembered at election time.
Dan and Sherry Jacober
Littlemore Terrace, Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
I applaud your efforts and those of the Johnsons in trying to
right a wrong done by the county commission. I am not a property
owner but am the parent of two children who attend Cumberland
County schools,.
I will make a contribution to the Nickel Tax Rebellion based
on the value of my current home/property I rent. Our children
deserve and should receive the best education possible.
If the county commission cannot approve an increase, then we,
as child advocates, can! Thank you and the other child advocates
of this county who care.
Angel Brewer
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
We think the members of our community have a tremendous opportunity
to demonstrate their solidarity and their ability of working
together by voluntarily taxing themselves the additional nickel
per $100 assessed value for the education system of Cumberland
Such action demonstrates the commitment that the citizens of
our county have to the future of its development as well as the
development of the future of our young people. Kindly accept
our share.
As Mr. D stated in his letter of Nov. 7, we need to prepare the
youth of our community for the competitive world that lays before
them. However, we also need to prepare our children to learn
to work together and what better way is there to do that at this
time than to forward our small shares to the school system that
needs it.
As for ourselves, we think this might also demonstrate to the
political systems of our communities the urgent need we have
to cooperate with one another and to look within ourselves as
to just where our values lie.
Myron and Marcella Hornyak
Lakeside Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $16.75 for the
Nickel Tax Rebellion Fund to be delivered to the Board of Education.
My husband and I were very impressed with your recent article
and wish to add our names and dollars to the needs of our school
As an aside, I have forwarded your article to our son, Erich
Murphy, who is managing editor of the Pontiac (Illinois) Daily
Leader and an advocate for good school systems in his area and
state. Thank you for assuming responsibility for this wonderful
Judith and Ron Murphy
Jasper Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Please pass this check to the Cumberland County Board of Education
to support education. Thanks to you for publishing concerning
the Nickel Tax Rebellion. There's nothing more precious than
the welfare of the children of Cumberland County and their education.
Pete and Bonnie Pino,
Brompton Ct., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed is our check for $27.31 which represents our nickel's
worth based on our assessment. Please provide it to the county
board of education. We are retired and have no children in the
school system, but we understand we can make no better investment
than investing in the children of this county.
We hope our county commissioners will soon realize this obvious
Don and Kitty Lebowitz
Augustine Lane, Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
This is to join Bob Johnson in his effort to help the school
system in Cumberland County.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minnich
Dovenshire Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Here is our nickel increase for education.
Charles and Geraldine Lowder
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
I think we should do whatever is necessary to increase the graduation
rate from Cumberland County High School. Here is my contribution
of $27.04.
Herbert Noble
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed is my nickel's worth of additional tax to benefit the
school children of Cumberland County. I'm a retired school teacher
and am on a very fixed income, but cannot believe the low priority
education has in this area of Tennessee.
Our children are the future. They really need all of the education
possible to carry on the work they will have to do to keep this
state and the county going when the old folks and the babyboomers
and the naysayers are long gone.
Phyllis Mohr
Delbridge Lane, Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
When our generation is in our rocking chairs or residents of
a nursing home and cannot guide our country, not withstanding
our right to vote, it will be today's children and young people
who will literally hold our world in their hands.
How can we not consider the worth of providing the finest education
for this future generation. The need is overwhelming and the
tax so small a price to pay.
Here's our nickel's worth of additional tax to benefit the school
children of Cumberland County. The first step begins in our own
John and Mary Ann Taylor
Robin Hood Dr.
Dear Chronicle,
I have enclosed a check for the nickel on the $100 assessed valuation
of my property tax for Cumberland County schools. I feel this
is a small investment that is justified for the education of
the county's children.
Elected officials must understand that Cumberland County has
little hope for the future without an educated population. We
must improve our schools to give our children the opportunity
they deserve.
Jean and Sandy Liberty
Mountain View Dr.
Dear Chronicle,
Please forward my check to the Cumberland County school board
to support the Nickel Tax Rebellion.
Edward Bullock
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
What I don't understand is how can there be talk of a new high
school and the commission won't pass a nickel tax increase.
Leta Gilbert
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
We are pleased to enclose our check for $20, representing our
contribution for increased educational spending in Cumberland
Harold and Beverly Garrison
Kingsboro Lane, Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
This is to inform you that we are in favor of the Nickel Tax
Rebellion. Enclosed is a check representing our share of the
nickel property tax increase for education.
We are retired and do not have children in the school system,
but we feel that education is most important for the future of
our community and our country. We hope the Cumberland County
Commission will listen to the taxpayers and vote in a positive
Paul and Joan Kennedy
Walden Ridge Dr., Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed is our nickel per $100 of our home assessment which
is to go to the schools. We do not have children in the schools,
but believe in educating every child.
A.J. and Corrine DeRubeis
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Please add our names in the Nickel Tax Rebellion to help support
education in Cumberland County. We pray that many who can afford
to pay the "nickel tax" will send it in.
Thank you Mr. Johnson, for being the first to take action for
the great cause. Enclosed is a check for $15.
Robert and Pauline Rocheleau
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Our leaders of tomorrow need education today.
Lucy B. Eckert
Druid Landing
Dear Chronicle,
Shame on the Cumberland County Commission for turning a blind
eye to education. All they have done with their negative "just
say no" attitude to our children is put one more roadblock
to our future leaders.
What were they thinking?
John and Fran Kinnunen
Fairfield Glade
Dear Chronicle,
Enclosed please find our nickel tax contribution to the school
budget. We read all school news and I am a volunteer in the schools.
As a former teacher and as parents, it is beyond our comprehension
that the county and school board members will not fully fund
the schools.
Our children are our future. They deserve the best teachers,
facilities, books and materials that money can buy. That nickel
should be multiplied many times over.
Please settle any disagreements and come together for the sake
of the children and this fine community.
Beverly and Carl Olin
Fairfield Glade