"I Say"
Published March 12, 2004 |
We need to get a legal grip
I am thinking about suing someone.
Oh, I don't know who specifically, just someone. After all,
hasn't suing become the national pastime. It does seem to be
the "in" thing to do and I would just hate to be left
out of the "in crowd."
If people can sue a fast food restaurant because their coffee
was too hot or because their tongue got burned on a hot pickle,
I feel like I have just as big a complaint as the java victim.
I wonder if anyone has sued because their fast food coffee was
too cold.
These days convicted felons break into homes and then sue
their victims when the homeowner beats them about the head and
shoulders for the invasion of the victim's castle. But I digress.
I have lost my hair on the top of my head and something has
got to be responsible for my lack of dome cover. My mother had
this theory when I was growing up that wearing football helmets
and ball caps would cause premature baldness.
It appears she was right and therefore, your honor, I would
like to call my first witness, my mom.
She predicted this so she has expert knowledge on ball cap-caused
I think I will sue the makers of baseball caps. Growing up
during my formidable years in Minnesota, I was an avid Twins
fan and much like the credit card commercial, I never left home
without my trusty Minnesota Twins baseball cap.
If I was awake, the ball cap was on except in the house where
I was dutifully taught that ball caps were not to be worn. Well,
OK, I did sneak the cover on a few times in my bedroom when mom
wasn't looking.
Since the Twins are the apparent cause of my ball cap malady,
I should name them in the lawsuit as well as naming the manufacturer
of the ball cap. And while I am at it, let's sue Major League
Baseball. Now there is a pool of money.
Of course it is. Is it any more ridiculous than someone suing
a fast food place because they over ate and got fat? I don't
think so. Only thing more ridiculous is the highest lawmaking
body in this country, congress, even considering banning lawsuits
against fast food restaurants on the grounds the high calorie
menu caused fatness.
I would think congress would have more on its plate than considering
frivolous legislation in response to frivolous lawsuits.
Thank goodness we in Cumberland County have a bar association
that does not include members who file such lawsuits. Can't be
said nationwide and unfortunately, it appears the American Bar
Association does not have the ability to police its members when
it comes to frivolous lawsuits.
Congress should be considering legislation but not to protect
fast food places from fat suers.
How does one spell relief? R-E-F-O-R-M.
Congress should be considering tort reform. Then we might
be able to return to our national pastime and wear our ball caps
with pride, baldness be damned.
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Mike Moser is the editor of the Crossville Chronicle. His
column is published periodically on Fridays.