"I Say"
Published Jan. 9, 2004 |
2004 will be good, with your
It's another year, 2004, and I am right where I need to be.
Next month I will be starting my 20th year as editor of the
Crossville Chronicle and I can honestly say I cannot think
of a place I had rather be. I am anticipating a very good year
and am hopeful that not only will our readers benefit, but will
participate with us as well.
Feb. 20, 1983 was an interesting first day on the job. We
had an ice storm that week. I slipped on the ice going to the
old post office on Main St., across from the courthouse, in front
of half the town and a stream of traffic passing by. What a sight.
Not sure which smarted worse, my knee or my pride. I got over
it and forgave the elements and 20 years later, I am here.
To be honest I never thought I would be in any one location
for 20 years, but that illustrates the magnetic pull the Plateau
has on sojourners who happen to pass through. Many of us stay.
One of the reasons I am excited about this year is a new emphasis
we at the Chronicle are going to be placing on stories
we will be publishing. While our community is in a beautiful
setting, and for a small community we have so much offered to
us, it is Cumberland County's people who make this a better place
to live.
And each person has a story to tell. Thousands of them, crying
to be told and shared, and that is where you readers come in.
All of you know someone who has an interesting background or
an interesting hobby. So many had interesting jobs and even more
of you have interesting collections and interests.
Some of you are advocates. Some of you know someone who donates
their time and talents to a great cause. Some know of persons
who labor in the service to others with no regard for reward
or fame.
We want to tell their stories.
Please give us a call whenever you think of a potential news
or feature story. We may not be able to jump to the story that
day, but I promise you I will listen to your idea and we will
make notes for future stories.
There so many interesting people in Cumberland County. So
many stories to tell. Won't you share with us so we can share
with our readers?
Happy and prosperous 2004!
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Mike Moser is the editor of the Crossville Chronicle. His
column is published periodically on Fridays.